Party and government construction

Draw the outline of "points, lines and surfaces" so that Party members' education "wins step by step"

Release time: 2024-09-12 10:40:25 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

       The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made important arrangements for deepening the reform of the Party building system, emphasizing the improvement of the education, management and role of Party members。Party members are the cells of the Party's body, and the education and management of Party members is the basic and regular work of Party building。In order to grasp the practical education of Party members, grass-roots party organizations must grasp the "point", "line" and "surface", "precise planning" in the learning content, "careful arrangement" in the learning form, and "precise classification" in the learning object, so that the education and management of Party members can "win step by step".。

Focus on the "key points" of the core casting soul, create a "theoretical classroom", and make the ideological foundation "deeper" in the "I will search".。习近平总书记指出,坚定理想信念,就要“让真理武装我们的头脑,让真理指引我们的理想,让真理坚定我们的信仰”。The political construction of the Party is the fundamental construction of the Party, and the education of party members is to educate and guide the majority of party members to always maintain the same political belief, political stance, political direction, and loyalty。Grassroots party organizations should "accurately plan" the learning content,要始终把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为首课、必修课,As the top priority of party member education,Through concentrated study, special discussion, theme Party day activities and other forms,Guide the majority of Party members to study the Party's theoretical innovations in depth with the attitude of "seeking knowledge from above and below" and diligent efforts,Constantly improve political theory literacy,The "ballast stone" for building strong ideals and convictions,Tighten the "master switch" of ideological style。

Closely innovating the "main line", creating a "characteristic classroom", making learning motivation "further" in the "day workers"。With the continuous change of Internet information technology, "paternalistic" and "spoon-feeding" traditional education methods have been unable to meet the current education environment, only by constantly focusing on the ways and methods of education, in order to continuously enhance the attractiveness and appeal。Grass-roots party organizations should "carefully arrange" learning forms,Bring forth the new from the old,Break the traditional way of education and training,Combine classroom teaching and concentrated learning with scenario simulation, case study and field practice,Pay attention to the combination of "classroom teaching" and "field practice",Explore a new model of "teacher-taught" + "student-taught",Let Party members work in and learn from their work;Make full use of modern information technology,Build a "fingertip classroom" and "cloud-to-cloud classroom" that can learn at will, anytime, and anywhere,Efficient integration of fragmented, fragmented time,With new thinking, new ideas, new means to make grassroots party education alive, fire up, hot up。

Expand the "coverage" of classified teaching, create a "customized classroom", and make the education effect "a step better" in the "Spring Garden".。Party member education and training is a basic work to strengthen party construction, is an important way to improve the quality of party members, carrying the spirit of the Party。In order to make the education of Party members more "relevant", it is necessary to "accurately classify" the learning object, and change "flood irrigation" into "precise drip irrigation".。Grass-roots Party organizations should adhere to the principle of "one key opens one lock.,Scientific analysis of different positions, different industries, different fields, different age characteristics of party members,Clarify different student needs,Precise formulation of "Feature Menu",Both centralized rotation training and special training are carried out,Also carry out small class, pull training,"On-site classes" in demonstration bases, "interactive classes" in street communities, and "experience classes" in fields are "tailor-made" training packages for cadres,Promote the transformation of Party member education curriculum research and development from standard configuration to precise customization,So that the education of party members has "commonness" and characteristics,Improve the effectiveness of education and training。

From: Communist Party member network

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