Party and government construction

Follow the "sound" before the "line" let the "Bayi spirit" sound

Post time: 2024-08-02 09:56:18 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

       8月1日出版的第15期《欧洲杯365买球》杂志发表习近平总书记的重要文章《欧洲杯买球赛平台》。The article emphasizes that we should strengthen the study and education of military history, prosper and develop the strong army culture, and strengthen the cultivation of fighting spirit。The rich military history is the mark of the growth and development of the people's army, and the source of the "August First Spirit" through history and the sound of continuous living water。On the occasion of the 97th Army Day, the majority of Party members and cadres should深挖The value connotation of the "August First spirit" draws striving force from the voice of the military history of "tirelessly", and stably walks the only way to comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization。

Follow the voice of "our principle is that the party commands the gun, and never allow the gun to command the party", realize the firm belief of "one heart to the Party", and carry out the loyalty road of "unswervingly follow the Party"。"Our principle is that the party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the party。”出自毛泽东的军事篇章《欧洲杯买球赛平台》,这是党在血与火的斗争中得出的颠扑不破的真理。Overview of military history, from the Red Army soldiers bloody battle Xiangjiang River, across the swamp grass, etc., completed the long march that shocked the world;The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army went deep behind enemy lines, went to the trouble generously, and became the mainstay of the anti-Japanese battlefield;Again, the volunteers fought hard and won the great victory of the war against the United States and the Korean War。It is this people's army loyal to the Party and obedient to the Party's command that has created one "miracle" after another and led to one "victory" after another.。Standing at a new historical starting point,Facing the critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization,Party members and cadres must unswervingly listen to and follow the Party,Consciously be the inheritor of the red gene and the continuant of the red blood,Take the Party's flag as its banner, the Party's will as its will, and the Party's mission as its mission,At any time and under any circumstances, he will not change his mind and will not change his ambition,In the face of the party flag, Yongbao raised his fist and solemnly vowed to join the party。

Follow the voice of "when the Red Army came in the winter, half a quilt to warm the heart", realize the people's feelings of "one heart for the people", and do the road of "bow your head as a willing ox for the people"。"When the Red Army came in the winter, half a quilt warmed the heart" is a lyric of "Spring in Shazhou Village", which tells the story of "half a quilt"。In November 1934, in Shazhou Village, Rucheng County, Hunan Province, three female Red Army soldiers stayed at the home of Xu Xiexiu. When they left, they cut half of their only quilt and left it for the old man。Today, even if the smoke of war has gone away, the character of the people's army fighting for the people and serving the people has not changed。Whether it is flood relief or earthquake relief, you can see the figure of the people's army。In the case of high fever, Li Xiangqun still carried sandbags and stood on the front line of the flood fight until the last moment of his life.Wenchuan earthquake, fifteen warriors from 4999 meters in the sky to sacrifice their lives, opened up a life channel for the people。Party members and cadres serve as a bridge between the Party and the people,To anchor the "people's coordinates" without yawing,Regard the "demand list" of the people as their own "performance list",Public servants who do not have time for me are concerned about the needs of the people,Solve the difficult and complicated diseases of the masses with a hard shoulder that is capable of good work,Truly achieve the "people's worries.,I will read it;What the people want,I will do it.",We will increase people's sense of happiness, fulfillment, and security。

Follow the voice of "all revolutionary soldiers should bear in mind the three major disciplines and eight points of attention", realize the cultivation and integrity of "one heart for the public", and carry out the clean road of "inside but province to operate the end.。"Every revolutionary soldier must bear in mind the three major disciplines and eight points of attention..."This popular and cheerful melody of "Three disciplines and eight notes" is known as "the first song of Red classics", which has been sung for a long time since its birth and continues to this day。Strengthen the sense of discipline, and no revolution will fail。During the Revolutionary War, it was relying onOnly with the discipline of "not taking a needle from the masses" can our army overcome itself, maintain integrity and win the masses。Today, we carry out Party discipline study and education throughout the Party.Strict Party discipline, haggle over every little bit, blame every little, and restore the fine tradition of the Party。The majority of Party members and cadres should earnestly study and implement the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Measures.Clear public and privateThe "warning line", the "high voltage line" between right and wrong, the "dividing line" between love and discipline,Be careful about small things,nodule,Always think of the harm of greed,Keep away from wild thoughts,The rule is always to observe,Make their own words and deeds fully within the framework of Party discipline and Party regulations,Truly build a strong spiritual dam against corrosion and change,Keep the political character of Communists forever。

From: Communist Party member network

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