Party and government construction

Tracing the "traces" of history in "crossing thousands of sails, rivers, and waves"

Release time: 2024-07-26 10:29:54 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

       The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Regulations on the Study and Education of Party History, and issued a notice requiring all partiesAll departments in the region earnestly complied with the implementation。"If you would know the road, you must first be history.。The history of the Party is like a lamp, illuminating the road ahead;The history of the party is like the spring, washing the dust of the soul;The history of the Party is like a clarion call, inspiring the will to struggle。The 100-year history of the Party is magnificent and the most vivid"Textbook"。The majority of Party members and cadres should pick up the "fragrance" of Party history, trace the "trace" of history in the "thousands of sails, rivers, and waves", and write "splendid chapters" on the new road to the examination.。

See through the "memory image" of "faith like rock, heart like fire", and plant "a piece of heart open to the sun" from the "thousands of sails"。"The South Lake carries a red boat in the blue water, checking the OARS for one hundred years。From Xia Minghan's heroic oath of "beheading does not matter, as long as the doctrine is true" to Zhao Yiman's brave courage of "not sparing the head of the new homeland, Gan will blood Voluminous China"...Countless heroes have interpreted "loyalty" with their lives and blood.。Loyalty is like a "beacon" that can guide the "way forward"。如今,The little red ship has become a mighty ship,The majority of Party members and cadres should further build the foundation of faith through the study and education of Party history,Replenish the calcium of the spirit,Keep the rudder of the mind steady,Always remain absolutely honest and loyal to the Party,Unswervingly listen to the Party, feel the Party's kindness, and follow the Party,At any time and under any circumstances, it will not change its heart, will not change its ambition, and will not destroy its knot,Loyalty to the cause of the party and the country as the foundation of life,With "sincere loyalty" on the new road to write the brilliant poem of party loyalty。

Look through the "search scene" of "overcoming difficulties and giving up who I am", and strengthen the practical spirit of "blowing the wild sand to gold" from "crossing the river"。Journey wind is strong, heavy responsibility thousands of Jun but bear。From the revolutionary war years of charge, face death,To the period of socialist construction of hard work and selfless dedication;From the period of reform and opening up, dare to try and innovate,To the new era of poverty alleviation, epidemic fighting, disaster relief...Countless Communists came forward at critical moments,To shoulder the burden bravely in the face of difficulties,With the interpretation of the infinite loyalty to the party and the people。"To avoid the official life of shame, death like the heart of the country.。The majority of Party members and cadres should further enhance their sense of responsibility through the study and education of Party history,Practice the ability to play,In the realm of "success does not have to be in me" and "success must have me",Dare to face new problems and meet new challenges,On the great journey of rural revitalization,Dare to bite hard bones,Dare to wade into dangerous waters,Take a hot potato,In the economic construction, rural revitalization, grass-roots governance, ecological environmental protection and other cadres in the front line, when the vanguard, long talent, and make new achievements,Actively respond to risks and challenges while actively seeking change,In the pursuit of new thinking and change, forge ahead with innovation,Try to turn the impossible into the possible,Achieve self-perfection, self-innovation and self-transcendence,Turn Vision into Reality。

See the "dedication lens" of "thinking Zizi, the leaves and the emotions", and bloom the glory of the home country of "bowing head as a willing ox" from the "breaking waves"。The Party's foundation lies in the people, its blood lies in the people, and its strength lies in the people。习近平总书记指出,人民是历史的创造者,是真正的英雄。The Party's centenary struggleHistory is a history of fulfilling the Party's original mission, a history of the Party and the people being one heart, one breath, and one destiny。From Jiao Yulu"Life is also dune, death is also dune", to Zhang Guimei "pure heart to support noble";From Huang Wenxiu"Write the song of youth in the new era", to Liao Junbo "willing to serve the people as a 'woodcutter'"...The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal。"Small I Caozhou county officials, a leaf total Guan sentiment。The majority of party members and cadres should cultivate feelings for the people and always put the people in the top of their heartsThink about what the masses think, worry about what the masses are anxious about, solve the difficulties of the masses, and solve the masses with their hearts and feelings"Urgent difficulties and worries", and effectively take whether the masses know, agree, and are satisfied as important criteria,Really do"I will remember the worries of the people;What the people expect, I will do ", "always at ease" in the let群众"Everything is assured", so that we always stand together with the people, want to be together, do together, share weal and woe, and draw the grand blueprint of the Chinese dream together。

From: Communist Party member network

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