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Provisions of the Communist Party of China on the scope of authority and procedures for approving disciplinary sanctions against Party members

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 Provisions of the Communist Party of China on the scope of authority and procedures for approving disciplinary sanctions against Party members

(Deliberated and approved by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on September 1, 2022

Issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on September 22, 2022)

  Chapter I General provisions

  Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant intra-Party regulations for the purpose of standardizing the authority and procedures for approving sanctions against Party Members who violate discipline。

  第二条 坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持党要管党,在党中央集中统一领导下,深入贯彻全面从严治党战略方针,严格按照处分违纪党员批准权限和程序实施党纪处分。

  Article 3 A hierarchical responsibility system shall be applied to Party members who violate Party discipline。The approval authority for disciplinary punishment of party members is mainly determined in accordance with the membership of party members' organizations and the authority of cadres and personnel management, of which party members and cadres, in addition to the special circumstances provided for in these provisions and relevant intra-Party regulations, priority is determined in accordance with the authority of cadres and personnel management。

  Article 4 Party disciplinary sanctions against Party members who violate party discipline shall adhere to the principles of equality before Party discipline, seeking truth from facts, democratic centralism, learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones, and curing diseases to save people, so as to ensure that facts are clear, evidence is solid, qualitative accuracy, proper handling, complete procedures, and procedures are in compliance。

  The implementation of Party discipline sanctions against Party members who violate discipline shall be decided in accordance with the prescribed procedures, after collective discussion by the Party organization (including the discipline inspection authority, the same below), and no individual or a small number of people are allowed to decide or approve without authorization。The decision made by a higher Party organization to deal with a Party member who violates discipline must be implemented by the lower party organization。

  Article 5 A decision on Party disciplinary sanctions shall take effect from the date of collective discussion and decision by Party organizations with the power to approve such sanctions。

  Chapter II General provisions on the authority and procedures for sanction approval

  Article 6 Except as otherwise provided in these Provisions and the relevant intra-party regulations, giving warning or serious warning to Party members managed by Party committees at all levels may be examined and approved by the commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level;The removal of a party post, probation or expulsion from the Party shall be subject to the examination and approval of the commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level and then reported to the Party committee at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  Article 7 Party disciplinary punishments shall be given to Party members who have violated party discipline by holding more than two posts (excluding Party Congress representatives), and the examination and approval procedures for disciplinary punishments shall be carried out according to the posts belonging to the management of Party organizations at the highest level。

  Where two or more of the positions held by a Party member who violates discipline belong to the management of the Party organization at the highest level, the examination and approval procedures for sanctions shall be carried out according to the following circumstances:

  (1) Where a post is a member or alternate member of a Central or local Party committee (hereinafter referred to as a local Party committee), the examination and approval procedures for such post shall be carried out in accordance with the authority for sanction approval corresponding to the post;

  (2) In addition to the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph, if there is a position of a member of the Party's Central or local Commission for Discipline Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the local Commission for Discipline Inspection), it shall perform the sanction approval procedure in accordance with the sanction approval authority corresponding to the position;

  (3) In addition to the circumstances listed in the first two items, the disciplinary approval procedures shall be carried out in accordance with the sanction approval authority corresponding to the multiple positions of the highest-level Party organization management held by the Party member who violates discipline。

  When a local Party committee member, alternate member or local commission for discipline inspection is under review, the local Party committee to which he or she belongs shall not remove him or her from the above post, nor accept his or her request to resign from the above post。

  Article 8 Where a Party member who violates discipline is a member or alternate member of a local Party committee or a member of a local commission for Discipline Inspection, and concurrently holds a position in the management of a higher party organization, the discipline inspection commission at the same level of the higher party organization shall perform the sanction examination and approval procedures in accordance with these Provisions。Among them, the local Party committee and the commission for discipline inspection do not need to perform the ratification procedure provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 18 of these provisions if the party is revoked from its post in the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  Article 9 Where a disciplinary decision against a Party member needs to be changed or revoked, it shall be examined and approved by the Party organization that originally approved the disciplinary decision or by the Party organization that has the power to approve the disciplinary decision。If the Party organization that originally approved the sanction decision has been abolished, it may be handled by the Party organization that continues to exercise its functions and powers。

  Article 10 The higher commission for Discipline Inspection raises the level of examination,After the trial formed a disposal opinion,It may be submitted to the commission for discipline Inspection at a lower level for the examination and approval of sanctions;It may also be examined and approved by the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at a higher level,Directly make decisions on Party discipline,Among them, the member or alternate member of the local Party committee at a lower level who the superior Commission for Discipline inspection intends to give the promotion review shall be revoked from his or her post in the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party,It shall be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Party Committee at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  Where a higher commission for discipline inspection designates a lower commission for discipline inspection for review, the standing Committee of the appointed lower commission for discipline Inspection shall, after deliberation by the appointed lower commission for discipline Inspection, transfer the case materials and handling opinions to the commission for discipline inspection with the power to supervise and enforce discipline in accordance with the procedure after hearing the case, perform the sanction examination and approval procedure。

  Article 11 Where a Party member who violates discipline is exempted from Party discipline punishment, the examination and approval procedures for disciplinary punishment shall be carried out in accordance with the authority of approval for giving him a warning。

  Article 12 A Party member who violates discipline and should be subject to a punishment of removal from his or her post within the Party, but does not hold a Party post himself or herself, shall be given a severe warning, and shall go through the examination and approval procedures for such punishment in accordance with the power of approval granted to him or her for such removal。

  Article 13 Party members who are subject to investigation by discipline commissions at all levels,Party disciplinary sanctions are required,Except in exceptional circumstances,Generally, the commission for Discipline inspection responsible for review will form a notification material on the facts of disciplinary violations and punishment opinions after hearing,The party organization at the next level submits it to the Party member conference of the party branch of the person under review for discussion and formation of a resolution,And by the next level of the party organization to be responsible for the review of the commission for discipline inspection to perform the examination and approval procedures。Where the party branch of the person under review is a party organization under the discipline inspection commission responsible for review, the discipline inspection commission responsible for review shall submit the notification materials on the facts of disciplinary violations and punishment opinions to the Party member conference of the Party branch to discuss and form a resolution before proceeding with the sanction examination and approval procedure。

  Where Party discipline sanctions are given to Party members who have been examined by the discipline inspection working committees appointed by discipline commissions at all levels (including Discipline Inspection Working committees, the same below) and the primary Party committees that have not established discipline commissions, the examination and approval procedures for disciplinary sanctions shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  When the Party members' meeting of the party branch of the person under investigation discusses the party disciplinary punishment,The number of party members actually present with the right to vote must exceed half of all party members who should be present with the right to vote,And the vote must be approved by a majority of all the party members who should be present and have the right to vote,Before a resolution can be reached;The person being examined has the right to participate and to plead。The person being examined shall sign and write opinions on the resolution of the Party branch party members' meeting;If the party refuses to sign the opinion or cannot sign the opinion for other reasons, the branch committee (including the secretary of the branch without a branch committee) shall indicate it on the resolution。

  The factual materials on which the sanction decision is based must be met with the person under review, his statements and arguments heard, truthfully recorded, verified in a timely manner, and reasonably adopted;If it is not adopted, reasons shall be given。The factual material shall be signed by the person being examined to write the opinion. If a different opinion is signed or refuses to sign the opinion, an explanation or indication shall be made。

  Article 14 Under any of the following special circumstances, Party committees and discipline commissions at or above the county level may directly decide to give disciplinary sanctions to Party members who violate discipline:

  (1) The case is classified or sensitive;

  (2) cases of disciplinary violations cross regions, departments and units;

  (3) Party members who violate discipline are Party members and cadres managed by Party committees at or above the county level;

  (4) The primary-level party organization to which the Party member belongs is unable to perform its duties normally, incorrectly performs its duties, or its responsible person is associated with the problem of violation of discipline;

  (5) The Party branch meeting of the Party member who violates discipline fails to reach a resolution in time after discussion, or because the number of party members who can attend the meeting and have the right to vote does not exceed half of all the party members who should be present and have the right to vote, the Party branch meeting cannot be convened in time to discuss and vote;

  (6) The commission for Discipline Inspection at or above the county level promotes the examination of Party members managed by the Party committee (Party group) at a lower level;

  (7) Other circumstances as provided for in the Party Constitution and relevant Intra-Party regulations。

  Except as otherwise provided for in Article 29, Article 31, and paragraph 3 of Article 38 of these Provisions, expulsion of Party members for disciplinary violations shall be subject to examination and approval by the commission for Discipline Inspection at or above the county level, or after examination and approval by the Commission for Discipline inspection at or above the county level, the Party organization with the power to approve the sanction shall perform the examination and approval procedures for the sanction in accordance with these Provisions。

  Article 15 The Commission for Discipline Inspection at all levels intends to impose disciplinary sanctions on Party members and cadres managed by the Party Committee at the same level,Recommended for disposal by its organization,The examination and approval procedures for sanctions shall be performed in accordance with these provisions,And the organization of handling suggestions to the party committee at the same level of the organization department in accordance with the provisions;If necessary, it may also consult the organizational department of the Party committee at the same level in writing,It shall be submitted to the Party committee at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  Article 16 The commission for Discipline Inspection at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of these provisions, directly decide on the disciplinary punishment of the Party member under review,It must be submitted to the Party Committee at the same level or the Party organization at a higher level for examination and approval,Prior to submission for approval, the General Office (office) of the Commission for Discipline Inspection shall solicit in writing the opinions of the organizational department of the Party committee at the same level and the Party committee (Party group) to which the person under review belongs。

  Where the Party organization to which the person under review belongs is a unit party organization subject to centralized leadership and management, or a unit party organization subject to centralized guidance, coordination, or supervision, the Party committee (Party group) to which the person under review belongs in the provisions of the preceding paragraph refers to a unit under centralized leadership and management, or a unit Party organization responsible for guidance, coordination, or supervision。

  The Party leading Group (Party Committee), the Party working organ, the public institutions directly under the central and local Party committees, the organs administered by the Party working organ, the Party grass-roots committee (hereinafter referred to as the Party Party Committee), and the Party grass-roots Commission for Discipline Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the Party discipline inspection Commission) before making a decision on Party discipline punishment,The opinions of the dispatched discipline inspection and supervision team shall be sought。

  Article 17 Party disciplinary sanctions shall be given to Party members who violate discipline,Those that should be examined and approved by the Party Committee in accordance with these provisions,The Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be held at the same level (if there is no Standing Committee, the plenary meeting of the commission for Discipline Inspection shall be held,The same below) report to the Party committee at this level for deliberation within 15 days after approval;Those that shall be examined and approved by the higher Party organization in accordance with these provisions,It must also be reviewed and approved by the Party committee at the same level,Submit to the commission for discipline Inspection at the next level for examination and approval within 15 days in accordance with the procedure;The Party committee shall examine the disciplinary matters promptly,There is a big difference of opinion on the punishment and it is really necessary,It can also be incubated by holding special meetings of the Secretary。

  If a Party member seriously violates discipline and is suspected of committing a crime, a decision on Party discipline punishment shall be made in principle before it is transferred to a judicial organ for handling according to law。The case is difficult and complex,It is difficult to grasp the identification of factual evidence and the nature of conduct or there are major disputes,May affect the outcome of Party discipline handling,Or it is urgently needed to be transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law due to the expiration of the lien period,The supervisory commission of the Commission for Discipline Inspection responsible for the examination shall be examined and approved by the Standing Committee of the commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level,It may be transferred to a judicial organ first,And timely report to the first-level commission for discipline supervision for the record;Among them, the party disciplinary punishment shall be reported to the Party committee at the same level or the Party organization at the higher level for examination and approval,It shall be submitted to the Party committee at the same level for deliberation within 15 days from the date of transfer to the judicial organ,No later than before the judicial organ decides to initiate a public prosecution or makes a decision not to prosecute。

  Members and alternate members of local Party committees and members of local discipline commissions and supervisory commissions shall be given Party discipline punishments,In accordance with these provisions must be submitted to the higher party organization for examination and approval,Before submitting to the Party committee at the same level for deliberation,After deliberation and approval by the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, which has the power to supervise and enforce discipline,Should form a written situation report within 3 days to communicate with the higher commission for discipline inspection;The commission for Discipline Inspection at the higher level shall conduct an examination based on the facts of disciplinary violations and punishment opinions specified in the written report,And timely feedback processing opinions。After the superior commission for Discipline inspection accepts the case, it shall carefully review it and not be restricted by the previous feedback。

  Article 18 The approval of the plenary meeting of the Central Committee shall be obtained by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members present,The decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, made before the plenary session of the Central Committee is not in session, to remove a member or alternate member of the Central Committee from his or her post in the Party, to be placed on probation in the Party, or to be expelled from the Party may be ratified。

  With the approval of more than two-thirds of the members present at the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may ratify the decision of removing a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from his or her post in the Party, placing him or her on probation or expelling him or her from the Party。

  The plenary session of the local Party committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection shall ratify the decision made by the local Party committee and the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the corresponding level before the plenary session to revoke their posts in the Party, place them on probation or expel them from the Party,The procedures specified in the preceding two paragraphs shall be followed respectively。

  Ratification shall be made at the next appropriate plenary meeting of the Central Committee or Central Commission for Discipline Inspection or at the plenary meeting of the local Party committee or Commission for Discipline Inspection after the decision on Party discipline punishment has been made against the personnel involved in the preceding three paragraphs。

  Any person mentioned in the preceding three paragraphs who seriously violates the criminal law must be expelled from the Party。Decisions of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Standing Committees of local Party Committees on the expulsion of members and alternate members of the CPC Central Committee and members and alternate members of local Party committees who have seriously violated the criminal law in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 (2) and Article 27 (1) (2) of these Provisions, respectively,The ratification procedure provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article is not required。

  Article 19 The commission for Discipline Inspection at all levels shall, in accordance with these provisions, report to the Party Committee at the same level or the Party organization at a higher level for approval before making a decision on Party discipline punishment,After the execution of the sanction decision,Shall, in accordance with the procedure, before the 15th of the first month of each quarter, the implementation of the punishment decision (including the punishment announcement) of the previous quarter shall be summarized and submitted to the Party committee at the same level or the Party organization at the higher level。

  Article 20 The following disciplinary matters approved by the Party organization shall be put on record in accordance with the following requirements after the decision on Party discipline sanctions is made:

  (1) After the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection approves the disciplinary matters involved in items 1 to 3 of Article 34 of these Provisions, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall report them to the Party Central Committee for the record;

  (2) After the provincial, autonomous region, or municipality Party committee (hereinafter referred to as the provincial Party Committee) approves the disciplinary matters referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 27 of these Provisions, the provincial, autonomous region, or municipality discipline commission (hereinafter referred to as the provincial discipline Commission) shall report them to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for the record;

  (3) After the local Party committee approves the disciplinary matters referred to in item 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of these provisions, where the person to be punished is an in-service leading cadre who needs to be reported to the Party committee at the first level for the record according to the provisions, the local commission for Discipline Inspection shall report to the Commission for discipline inspection at the first level for the record;

  (4) After the local commission for Discipline Inspection approves the disciplinary matters referred to in items 1 to 7 and 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 37 of these Provisions, the local commission for Discipline Inspection shall report them to the Party committee at the same level for the record;The disciplinary matters referred to in item 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 37 of these Provisions shall also be reported to the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the same time for record;

  (5) After the Party's grass-roots Commission for Discipline Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the grass-roots Commission for Discipline Inspection) and the Party's sub-district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission have examined and approved the disciplinary matters referred to in the first and second paragraphs of Article 38 of these provisions,The Party's grass-roots committee at the same level (hereinafter referred to as the grass-roots Party Committee) and the Party's sub-district Work Committee at the same level have the power to examine and approve probationary party members for the record;

  (6) The Party committee of the organ, the discipline commission of the organ, after deliberating and approving the disciplinary matters involved in the second paragraph of Article 30 and Article 39 of these Provisions, shall report accordingly to the Party group (Party committee) and the Party work organ for the record;After the disciplinary commission of the organ examines and approves the disciplinary matters involved in Article 39 of these Provisions, it shall also be reported to the Party committee of the organ for the record。

  The filing work as stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be reported by the Party organization responsible for reporting to the corresponding Party organization before the 15th of the first month of each quarter, and the cases in which the Party disciplinary decision has been made on the serving party members and cadres in the previous quarter shall be summarized and reported to the corresponding Party organization。

  Article 21 If a Party member who has been placed under probation really shows repentance, after the probation period has expired, a resolution shall be discussed at the Party branch meeting and submitted to the Party committee at the next level (Party group) of the party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline for deliberation and approval。If the Party committee (leading Party Group) agrees to restore the rights of Party members on time, it shall make a decision to restore the rights of Party members and file a complaint against the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline。Where the primary party committee approves the suspension of a Party member, the restoration of the rights of the party member shall be approved by the primary party committee, and the decision on the restoration of the rights of the Party member shall be issued by the primary party committee or the primary commission for discipline Inspection。

  If a Party member who has been placed under probation for one year, after the expiration of the probation period, the Party committee (Party group) at the next level of the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline sanctions finds after examination that he or she still does not meet the conditions for the restoration of the rights of a Party member, the decision to extend the one-year probation period shall be made upon approval by the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline sanctions。

  A Party member who refuses to change or discovers other violations of Party discipline that should be subject to Party discipline sanctions during his or her probation shall be expelled from the Party, and the disciplinary inspection organ with the power to supervise and enforce Party discipline shall perform the examination and approval procedures for such sanctions。

  A Party member who has been placed under probation transfers his or her organizational relationship with a Party member during his or her probation,The Party organization that receives the party member organization relationship shall, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article, restore the Party member's rights, extend the period of probation in the Party for one year, or expel the Party member from the Party,And copy the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline。

  Where the Party branch of a Party member who has been placed under probation falls under the circumstances of Item 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of these Provisions, it may be handled by the grass-roots party committee after direct deliberation in accordance with the procedures provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article。

  Where the organizational relationship of a Party member who is subject to the disciplinary punishment of being placed under probation belongs to the Party's Working Committee, the provisions of the preceding five paragraphs shall be followed。

  Article 22 A Party member shall be placed under probation,After the restoration of the rights of party members,It was also found that he had carried out new disciplinary violations that should be punished by Party discipline during the period of probation,Or discover other violations of Party discipline that they did not account for before being placed under disciplinary probation,The Party organization that made the decision to restore the rights of Party members shall revoke the original decision,They shall be expelled from the Party according to the procedures of the disciplinary inspection organ with the power to supervise and enforce discipline,And copy the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline。

  Chapter III The Authority of the Party Central Committee and Party committees (Party groups) at all levels to approve sanctions

  Article 23 During a plenary session of the Central Committee, a member or alternate member of the Central Committee may be removed from his or her post in the Party, placed on probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party by a decision made by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members present。

  Article 24 The Political Bureau of the Central Committee approves the following punishments:

  (1) When the plenary session of the Central Committee is not in session, a member or alternate member of the Central Committee shall be removed from his or her post in the Party, placed on probation in the Party, or expelled from the Party;

  (2) To expel from the Party a member or alternate member of the Central Committee who has seriously violated the criminal law。

  Article 25 The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee shall approve the disciplinary measures against leading Party officials concerned。

  Article 26 During the plenary session of the local Party Committee,A member or alternate member of a local Party committee at the same level is revoked from his or her post within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party,The decision shall be made by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members present at the plenary meeting of the local Party committee,And in accordance with the procedures submitted to the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the next level after deliberation and approval,The commission for discipline inspection at the same level shall report it to the Standing Committee of the Party Committee at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  When the plenary session of a local Party committee is not in session, the standing Committee of the local Party Committee may first make a decision on removing a member or alternate member of the Party committee at the same level from his or her post in the Party, placing him or her on probation, or expelling him or her from the Party, and perform the examination and approval procedures for such punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 27 The Standing Committee of the local Party Committee approves the following punishments:

  (1) A Party member or cadre who has been appointed or removed after discussion by the Party Committee at the corresponding level shall be removed from his or her post within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party;

  (2) to expel Party committee members and alternate members at the same level who have seriously violated the criminal law;

  (3) to expel members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level who have seriously violated the criminal law from the Party;

  (4) to remove a member or alternate member of a local Party committee at the next higher level from his or her post within the Party, place him or her on probation or be expelled from the Party;

  (5) The secretary or deputy secretary of the local commission for Discipline inspection at the next level shall be removed from his or her post in the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party;

  (6) Other disciplinary matters as provided for in the Party Constitution and relevant intra-Party regulations。

  The Party's regional committees and the organizations equivalent to them, as well as the representative organs dispatched by the local Party committees of the districted cities (excluding districts directly under the central Government, the same below) and above in the development zones, national new districts and other specific areas that have been entrusted with the authority for social management, shall exercise the authority to approve the punishment of Party members who violate discipline in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  The standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee approved that the members of the provincial commission for Discipline inspection should be removed from their party posts, placed under probation or expelled from the Party。

  The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region approved the removal of members and alternate members of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps from their Party posts, probation or expulsion from the Party。

  Article 28 After deliberation and report by the primary-level commission for Discipline Inspection in charge of examination, the primary-level Party committee with the power to examine and approve probationary Party members may approve the following punishments of probation in the Party, except where the issues involved in the examination are relatively important or complex。

  The Sub-district Work Committee of the Party and the representative organs dispatched by local party committees at the county level in specific areas such as development zones shall exercise the power of approval to sanction party members who violate discipline in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  Article 29 A primary-level party committee meeting one of the following conditions may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of these provisions, directly decide to give Party disciplinary sanctions to Party members who violate discipline, and may approve the expulsion of Party members who violate discipline:

  (1) Lower-level party organizations have the authority to examine and approve probationary party members;

  (2) The Party and state organs to which they belong are at or above the level of deputy department or bureau;

  (3) The party committee at the next higher level is the Party committee at or above the city level divided into districts。

  Article 30 The Party Group (Party Committee) and the Party's work organ shall, in accordance with their authority in the management of cadres and personnel, decide on Party disciplinary sanctions against Party members of the personnel under their management through collective discussion in accordance with the prescribed procedures。Among them, the meeting of the Party group (Party committee), the meeting of the Party's work machinery department (office, office) or the meeting of the committee must be attended by more than two-thirds of the members, if more than half of the members should be present for approval。

  Appointment or removal without discussion or decision at a meeting of the Party Group (Party committee), a meeting of the Party's work machinery department (office, office) or a meeting of a committee,However, Party disciplinary sanctions are given to Party members who belong to the Party group (Party committee) or the Party's working organs,It may also be reported by the discipline inspection commission of the organ to the Party committee of the organ for consideration and approval;Being given the sanction of expulsion from the Party,It must also be reported to the Party Group (Party committee) meeting, the Party's work machinery department (office, room) meeting or the committee meeting for deliberation and approval。

  Public institutions directly under the Central and local Party committees and organs under the administration of the Party's work organs shall, in accordance with their authority in the administration of cadres and personnel, impose disciplinary sanctions on Party members who are under their administration, and exercise the authority to approve disciplinary sanctions on Party members with reference to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs。

  If the representative organs dispatched by the central and local Party committees do not belong to the Party's working organs, they may exercise the power of approval to sanction Party members for disciplinary violations with reference to the Party's working organs, unless otherwise provided for in these Provisions and relevant intra-Party regulations。

  Article 31 Party groups (Party committees), Party work organs, institutions directly under the central and local Party committees, organs managed by the Party work organs, and representative organs dispatched by the central and local Party committees referred to in paragraph 4 of Article 30 of these Provisions,Have one of the following conditions,Party discipline sanctions may be imposed on Party members who violate discipline in accordance with Article 14 of these Provisions,And may approve the expulsion of Party members who violate discipline:

  (1) The grass-roots party committee of the unit to which it belongs has the power to examine and approve probationary party members;

  (2) The Party and state organs to which they belong are at or above the level of county or department;

  (3) The Party committee at the same level is a party committee at or above the city level divided into districts。

  Article 32 The Party committee of a public institution under the system of administrative leadership responsibility under the leadership of the Party Committee may, in accordance with its authority in the management of cadres and personnel, approve the Party discipline punishment of Party members among the personnel under its management。

  Party organizations in public institutions under the administrative leader responsibility system may, in accordance with the authority of cadres and personnel management and the functions and roles of the Party organizations in the selection and employment, and after full communication with the main party and government leaders, approve the Party discipline punishment of the Party members under their management accordingly。

  If a public institution has not been given the authority to manage cadres and personnel, and is managed by the Party organization at a higher level, the Party organization at a higher level may approve the Party discipline punishment of the Party members of the staff of the public institution。

  The Party organization mentioned in the second and third paragraphs of this Article does not include the general Party branch and the Party branch。

  Chapter IV Authority for disciplinary inspection to approve sanctions

  Article 33 During the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,The decision shall be made by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members present at the plenary meeting of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,A decision may be made to remove a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from his or her post within the Party, place him or her on probation, or expel him or her from the Party,And to be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for approval,The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall make a decision on Party discipline punishment。

  When the plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is not in session, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may first make a decision on removing a member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from the Party, placing him on probation or expelling him from the Party, and after being reported to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee for approval, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall make a decision on Party discipline。

  Article 34 The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall approve the following punishments:

  (1) give warning or serious warning to cadres in central management at or below the provincial or ministerial level (excluding the provincial or ministerial level) and in units with unclear administrative levels;

  (2) give a warning or serious warning to a member or alternate member of the provincial Party Committee;

  (3) give disciplinary punishment to the Standing Committee of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection (excluding the secretary and deputy secretaries, the same below) and the members of the Supervisory Commission;

  (4) Other disciplinary matters as provided for in the Party Constitution and relevant intra-Party regulations。

  Article 35 The Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall approve the following punishments:

  (1) Party discipline punishment shall be given to Party members of organs of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission or units directly under them who are not cadres in central administration;

  (2) Party discipline sanctions shall be given to Party members accredited or dispatched by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission who are not cadres in central administration;

  (3) Party disciplinary sanctions shall be given to Party members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission organs, directly affiliated units, and accredited or dispatched agencies who are not central cadres and have resigned。

  Where the violation of discipline of the personnel referred to in item 3 of the preceding paragraph mainly occurs after he/she leaves office and is not related to his/her post in the unit referred to in the preceding paragraph before he/she leaves office, the examination and approval procedures for sanctions shall be carried out in accordance with Article 3 of these Provisions。

  Article 36 During the plenary session of the local commission for Discipline Inspection,The decision shall be made by a majority of more than two-thirds of the members present at the plenary meeting of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection,A decision may be made to revoke a member of the commission for discipline Inspection at the corresponding level from his or her post in the Party, place him or her on probation, or expel him or her from the Party,And to be reported to the standing committee of the local Party committee at the same level after deliberation and approval,The local commission for Discipline Inspection shall make a decision on Party discipline punishment,Among them, the members of the Commission for Discipline inspection below the level of a district shall also be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the next level for examination and approval in accordance with the procedure。

  When the plenary session of the local commission for Discipline inspection is not in session, the standing committee of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection may first make a decision on the removal of the member of the local commission for Discipline inspection from the Party, probation or expulsion from the Party, and after fulfilling the examination and approval procedure of the punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the local commission for Discipline inspection shall make a decision on Party discipline punishment。

  Article 37 The Standing Committee of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection shall approve the following punishments:

  (1) give warning or serious warning to Party members and cadres at the local Party committee at the same level who discuss and decide on the appointment or removal of them;

  (2) to give disciplinary punishment to Party members and cadres who have not been appointed or removed by the local Party committee at the same level, but are under the management of the local Party Committee at the same level;

  (3) give the member of the commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level the punishment of warning or serious warning;

  (4) giving a warning or serious warning to a member or alternate member of the local Party committee at the next level;

  (5) giving the secretary and deputy secretary of the local discipline inspection commission at the next level a warning or a serious warning;

  (6) giving Party disciplinary sanctions to members of the Standing Committee of the local discipline Inspection commission and the Supervisory Commission at the next level;

  (7) The local commission for Discipline Inspection at the next level shall be revoked from his or her post within the Party, placed under probation or expelled from the Party;

  (8) Party discipline punishments shall be given to Party members of the discipline inspection supervisory organs of the Discipline inspection commission administered by the discipline inspection commission at the same level, directly affiliated units and accredited or dispatched institutions;

  (9) Other disciplinary matters as provided for in the Party Constitution and relevant intra-Party regulations。

  The regional discipline inspection commission and other discipline inspection organs equivalent to the regional discipline inspection commission, as well as the discipline inspection and supervision working committees of the local discipline inspection commissions at or above the city level divided into districts dispatched by the development zones, national new districts and other specific areas assigned with social management authority, shall exercise the approved authority to punish party members who violate discipline with reference to the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  The Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection approved the punishment of warning or severe warning to members and alternate members of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Party Committee, the punishment of removing members of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Commission for discipline inspection from the Party, placing them on probation or being expelled from the Party, and the punishment of Party discipline to members of the Standing Committee and Supervisory Committee of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps。

  Article 38 The grass-roots commission for discipline inspection may approve the punishment of warning or severe warning to the person under review in the case under review;If the issue involved is relatively important or complex, it shall be examined and approved by the Party committee at the same level, and reported to the commission for discipline inspection at or above the county level with the power to approve sanctions for examination and approval in accordance with the procedure。

  The Party's sub-district Discipline inspection and Supervision Working committee and the discipline inspection and supervision working committee dispatched by the county discipline inspection and Supervision committee in the development zone and other specific areas shall exercise the approval authority to punish party members who violate discipline with reference to the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

  The grass-roots party committee that meets the provisions of Article 29 of these provisions, the discipline inspection commission at the same level may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of these provisions, directly decide to give Party disciplinary sanctions to Party members who violate discipline, and may approve the expulsion of Party members who violate discipline。

  Article 39 Where a warning or serious warning is given to a Party member who has not been appointed or removed by a meeting of the Party leading Group (Party committee) or a meeting of the Party's work machinery department (office, office) or a committee, but is under the administration of the Party leading Group (Party committee) or the Party's work organ, the disciplinary commission of the organ may examine and approve the decision。

  Chapter V Special circumstances of sanction approval authority and procedure

  Article 40 Party members who violate discipline are cadres of units that practice vertical management or practice dual leadership and are mainly led by higher-level units,Concurrently serving as a member or alternate member of a local Party committee or a member of a local commission for Discipline inspection,The local commission for Discipline Inspection shall perform the examination and approval procedures for sanctions in accordance with these provisions,And copy the Party disciplinary decision to the Party group (Party Committee) of the competent unit。Among them, where the local discipline inspection commission files a case for review, it shall, through the corresponding discipline inspection and supervision group assigned with the authority to supervise and enforce discipline, or the discipline inspection organization set up within the competent unit to solicit the opinions of the Party group (Party committee) of the competent unit, perform the sanction approval procedure。

  Article 41 Where Party members are given organizational relations to transfer to the aid or temporary units, but do not change the personnel relationship with the original unit, the disciplinary punishment of Party members and cadres shall generally be determined in accordance with the cadre and personnel management authority corresponding to the position and rank of the original unit, and the approval procedure for sanctions shall be carried out。The problem of violation of discipline is closely related to the post of aid dispatch or temporary post during the period of suspension,If necessary, the authority to approve sanctions can be determined and the procedures for approving sanctions can be carried out in accordance with the corresponding cadre personnel management authority of the post,But before the disciplinary decision is made,The opinions of the original unit shall be solicited according to the corresponding authority of cadres and personnel management of the original unit, such as the position and rank of the original unit。

  Where a Party member or cadre entrusted by a higher party committee to be administered by a lower party committee is subject to disciplinary punishment, the lower party committee or the commission for discipline inspection may perform the examination and approval procedures for disciplinary punishment in accordance with these Provisions。

  Article 42 Party discipline punishments given to Party members whose organizational relations have been transferred but who have not yet been accepted shall be carried out by their original Party organizations in accordance with these Provisions。If a party organization has been abolished, it shall be handled by the party organization that continues to exercise its functions and powers or by the Party organization at the next higher level。

  Party disciplinary sanctions are given to mobile Party members who have not transferred organizational relations and Party members who have ceased party membership, and the Party organization where their organizational relations are located shall perform the approval procedures for disciplinary sanctions in accordance with these Provisions。

  Article 43 Party disciplinary sanctions shall be given to Party members and cadres who leave public posts for reasons such as resignation or retirement, and the authority to approve the sanction shall generally be determined according to the authority of cadres and personnel management when they were in office, and the procedures for approving the sanction shall be carried out。If the disciplinary violation occurs after leaving a public post, and is not related to the post or rank of the original unit, the party organization where the organizational relationship is located shall perform the sanction examination and approval procedures in accordance with these Provisions。If a person leaves a public post and then takes up a public post again, the examination and approval procedures for the sanction shall be carried out in accordance with Article 3 of these Provisions。After a decision on Party discipline has been made, the Party organization to which the Party member belongs shall be copied and enforced。

  Article 44 Party disciplinary sanctions shall be given to the retired members of state-owned enterprises whose organizational relations are transferred to the corresponding Party's sub-district work committee and the party organizations of the communities (villages) under their jurisdiction and who practice socialized management,In accordance with the affiliation of party members,It shall be examined and approved by the Party's Sub-district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee,Those who are to be removed from Party posts, placed on probation or expelled from the Party shall also be reported to the Party's Sub-district Working Committee at the corresponding level for deliberation and approval,Where Party membership is expelled, it shall also be submitted to the Standing Committee of the local Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatched by the Party's Sub-district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee for examination and approval in accordance with these Provisions。

  Retired personnel of state-owned enterprises as mentioned in the preceding paragraph,The disciplinary violations mainly occur during the term of office or are closely related to the position during the term of office,The corresponding discipline inspection committee with the authority to supervise and enforce discipline, the discipline inspection and supervision group dispatched by the state-owned enterprise, or the discipline inspection organization established within the state-owned enterprise considers that the Party discipline punishment should be given,The authority for sanction approval may be determined and the procedures for sanction approval may be performed in accordance with the authority for cadre personnel management before retirement。After the Party discipline decision is made, it shall be copied to the corresponding Party's street Work committee and the Party's Street Discipline Inspection and Supervision Work Committee for implementation。Those who are placed under probation in the Party,The Party's Sub-district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee shall comply with the conditions stipulated in paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 21 of these Provisions,A resolution is formed after discussion at the general meeting of Party members of the party branch,Report to the Party's street work committee after deliberation and approval,A decision was made to restore their Party membership rights, extend their one-year probation in the Party, or expel them from the Party,And copy the Party organization that originally made the decision on Party discipline;Where Party membership is expelled, it shall also be submitted to the Standing Committee of the local Discipline Commission dispatched by the Party's Sub-district Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee for examination and approval in accordance with these Provisions。

  The Party discipline punishment of the retired personnel of state-owned enterprises who are transferred to the Party committee of the corresponding township (street) and the party organization of the village (community) under their jurisdiction and implement social management shall be implemented with reference to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs。

  Article 45 Party discipline shall be given to Party members of retired officers who have been handed over to the people's government for resettlement by way of retirement,Generally, it can be based on their rank or rank before retirement (applicable to retired officers after the implementation of the rank-dominated officer hierarchy reform,下同),It shall be examined and approved by the standing Committee of the corresponding local Commission for Discipline Inspection,Among them, the removal of party posts, probation or expulsion from the Party shall also be reported to the standing committees of the local Party committees at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  Former division officers (senior colonel officers and civilian cadres of the corresponding rank), regiment officers (colonel, lieutenant colonel officers and civilian cadres of the corresponding rank),Generally, the provincial commission for Discipline inspection and the municipal Commission for discipline inspection divided into districts shall be responsible for carrying out the examination and approval procedures.Officers below battalion rank (officers below major and civilian cadres of the corresponding rank),The discipline inspection commission at the county level shall be responsible for the examination and approval procedures。

  Article 46 Party discipline sanctions shall be given to party members of retired officers who receive monthly retirement payments or who are resettled by choosing jobs on their own and who have not been suspended from receiving retirement payments,It shall be examined and approved by the Standing Committee of the county discipline Inspection Commission in the place where its organizational relationship is located,Where it is proposed to revoke a party post, be placed on probation or be expelled from the Party, it shall also be reported to the standing Committee of the local Party Committee at the same level for deliberation and approval。

  Party disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed on retired officers who are discharged from the army in the form of demobilization, and on Party members who are placed in the form of monthly retirement payment, independent employment, retirement or maintenance, and the Party organizations to which they are affiliated shall carry out the examination and approval procedures for disciplinary sanctions in accordance with these Provisions。

  Article 47 The disciplinary violations of retired officers and non-commissioned officers mentioned in Articles 45 and 46 of these Provisions mainly occurred during their service or were closely related to their posts during their service,Those examined by the military discipline inspection organ,The discipline inspection organ of the armed forces may, in accordance with the authority for sanction approval corresponding to its post before retirement, perform the sanction approval procedure and make a decision on Party discipline sanction,Copy the retired officers, ncos organizational relationship to the local county party committee, the commission for discipline inspection shall be implemented。

  Where the violation of discipline specified in the preceding paragraph is filed by the local discipline inspection organ for review, the local discipline inspection organ may perform the sanction examination and approval procedure in accordance with the provisions of Article 45 and Article 46 of these provisions。

  Article 48 If a probationary Party member is found by a discipline inspection organ having the power to supervise and enforce discipline to have violated Party discipline and the circumstances are relatively minor and the probationary Party membership can be retained, he or she may be directly criticized and given education or the reserve period may be extended for one time in accordance with the procedure;If the circumstances are serious, the probationary party membership shall be revoked in accordance with the procedures。

  Extend the reserve period and cancel the probationary party membership,The discipline inspection organ with the power to supervise and enforce discipline shall make a written proposal to the Party organization to which the probationary party member belongs,The party organization of the probationary party member shall adopt it without justifiable reasons and submit it to the Party members' meeting of the probationary party member's branch for discussion and resolution,The grass-roots party committee that has the power to examine and approve probationary party members shall make a decision on handling the matter after approval。

  Where the organizational relationship of probationary party members belongs to the Party's working committee, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be followed。

  Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  Article 49 The authority established in these Provisions shall be the minimum authority to be complied with。

  Article 50 The above and below mentioned in these Provisions shall include the corresponding levels and numbers unless otherwise indicated。

  Article 51 The term "serious violation of the criminal law" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the criminal punishment imposed by the people's court for a crime。

  Article 52 The term "performing sanction approval procedures" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the authority and procedures for sanction approval determined in accordance with these Provisions, deliberating the sanction matters, submitting them for approval, and making a decision on Party disciplinary sanction in accordance with the procedures。

  Article 53 The term "power to supervise and enforce discipline" as mentioned in these provisions means that, in accordance with the provisions of the hierarchical responsibility system for supervision and enforce discipline, Party members suspected of violating discipline have the right to exercise the duties of supervision and enforce discipline, have the right to file a case for examination of their violation of discipline, and have the right to propose Party discipline sanctions or make a decision on Party discipline sanctions in accordance with the procedures。

  Article 54 Provisions on the scope of authority and procedures for approving disciplinary actions against Party members in the armed forces shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with these Provisions。

  Article 55 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions。

  Article 56 These provisions shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation。The "Specific Provisions on the Approval of the Authority to Punish Party Members Who Violate Party Discipline" issued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on July 6, 1983, and the "Notice on Revising the Specific Provisions on the Approval of the Authority to Punish Party Members who Violate Party Discipline" issued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on March 28, 1987, shall be repealed simultaneously。In case of any inconsistency between the previous relevant provisions and these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail。


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