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Decision of the CPC Central Committee on amending the Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China

Release time: 2024-04-26 11:01:16 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

 Decision of the CPC Central Committee on amending the Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China

(July 1, 2017)
  In order to implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, deepen political inspection, and further give full play to the role of inspection supervision in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, the CPC Central Committee has decided to make the following amendments to the Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China。
  Article 1 is amended as follows: "These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, make political life within the Party serious, purify the political ecology within the Party, strengthen supervision within the Party, and standardize inspection work within the Party.。”
  The first paragraph of Article 2 is divided into three paragraphs, and the original first paragraph is amended as follows: "The Party Central Committee and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall implement the inspection system, establish full-time inspection agencies, and comprehensively inspect the Party organizations of the localities, departments, enterprises and institutions under their management within one term of office.。”
  The second paragraph is added: "The relevant ministries and commissions of the Central Committee and the Party groups (Party committees) of the central state organs and departments may implement the inspection system and establish inspection agencies to conduct inspection and supervision of the Party organizations under their management.。”
  Add a third paragraph: "The Party's city (prefecture, prefecture, league) and county (city, district, banner) committees shall establish an inspection system, establish inspection organs, and conduct inspection and supervision of the Party organizations under their management.。”
  The original second paragraph is the fourth paragraph, which is amended to read: "The Party organization that carries out the inspection work shall bear the main responsibility for the inspection work.。”
  三、将第三条修改为:“巡视工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、‘三个代表’重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,Firmly establish political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,坚定不移维护以习近平同志为核心的党中央权威和集中统一领导,We will advance the overall plan of the five-in-one plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy in a coordinated manner,Implement a new vision for development,We should be confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Respect the Party constitution,Govern the Party according to rules,The guidelines for inspection work of the Central Committee will be implemented,Deepen political inspection,Focus on upholding Party leadership, strengthening Party building, and comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Identify problems and create a deterrent,Promote reform and development,To ensure that the Party remains a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。”
  The third paragraph of the fifth article is amended as follows: "The central inspection work leading group shall strengthen the leadership of the inspection work of the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the relevant ministries and commissions of the central state organs and departments.。”
  Paragraph 1 of Article 11 is amended as follows: "(1) Be firm in their ideals and convictions, be loyal to the Party, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics and action;"。
  Article 15 is amended to read: "The inspection team shall enforce the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and other intra-party regulations on the objects of inspection,Observe party discipline,We will supervise the implementation of the Party's main responsibility and oversight responsibility,Efforts should be made to identify the weakness of the Party's leadership, the lack of party building, and the failure to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party,The Party's concept is indifferent, its organization is lax, and its discipline is lax,Loose and soft governance of the Party:
  (1) Violations of political discipline and political rules, words and deeds contrary to the Party's line, principles and policies, insubordination of orders and prohibitions, plenianism, forming parties for personal gain, forming gangs and cliques, and inadequate implementation of the responsibility system for ideological work;
  (2) violations of honesty and discipline, abuse of power for personal gain, corruption and bribery, corruption and depravity, etc.;
  (3) violations of organizational discipline, illegal employment, cronyism, serving officials, buying and selling officials, soliciting votes and buying elections, as well as arbitrary, weak and lax, serious disunity and other problems;
  (4) Violating the discipline of the masses, work and life, failing to implement the eight-point Regulations of the Central Committee, and engaging in formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance;
  (5) Other questions requested by the Party organization sending the inspection team。”
  This decision shall come into force on July 10, 2017。
  The revised Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China will now be issued。
Regulations of the Communist Party of China on inspection
(Revised on 1 July 2017)
  Chapter I General provisions
  Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, solemnizing political life within the Party, purifying the political ecology within the Party, strengthening supervision within the Party, and standardizing inspection work。
  Article 2 The Party Central Committee and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall implement the inspection system and establish full-time inspection bodies to conduct comprehensive inspections of the Party organizations of the localities, departments, enterprises and public institutions under their management within one term of office。
  The relevant ministries and commissions of the Central Committee and the Party groups (Party committees) of the central state organs and departments may implement the inspection system and set up inspection bodies to conduct inspection and supervision of the Party organizations under their management。
  The city (prefecture, prefecture, league) and county (city, district, banner) Party committees shall establish an inspection system and set up inspection organs to conduct inspections and supervision over the Party organizations under their management。
  The Party organization that carries out the inspection work shall bear the main responsibility for the inspection work。
  第三条 巡视工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,Firmly establish political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,坚定不移维护以习近平同志为核心的党中央权威和集中统一领导,We will make coordinated efforts to advance the overall plan of the "five-in-One" initiative and the "four-pronged comprehensive" strategy,Implement a new vision for development,We should be confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Respect the Party constitution,Govern the Party according to rules,The guidelines for inspection work of the Central Committee will be implemented,Deepen political inspection,Focus on upholding Party leadership, strengthening Party building, and comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Identify problems and create a deterrent,Promote reform and development,To ensure that the Party remains a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。
  Article 4 The inspection work shall adhere to the unified leadership of the central government and be responsible at different levels;Seek truth from facts and follow the law;Adhere to the mass line and promote democracy。
  Chapter II Institutions and personnel
  Article 5 The CPC Central Committee and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish leading groups for inspection work, which shall be responsible for and report their work to the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government respectively。
  The leader of the inspection work leading group is the secretary of the Party Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level, and the deputy leader is generally the minister of the organization Department of the Party Committee at the same level。The leader of the inspection work leading group shall be the main person responsible for organizing and implementing the inspection work。
  The central leading group for inspection work shall strengthen the leadership of the inspection work of the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, relevant ministries and commissions of the central state organs and departments。
  Article 6 The duties of the inspection leading group are:
  (1) Implementing the relevant resolutions and decisions of the Central Committee of the Party and the Party committees at the corresponding levels;
  (2) To study and put forward inspection work plans, annual plans and stage task arrangements;
  (3) Listen to the inspection work report;
  (4) To study the application of inspection results, classify and dispose of them, and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions;
  (5) To report the inspection work to the Party organization at the same level;
  (6) To manage and supervise the inspection team;
  (7) To study and handle other important matters in inspection work。
  Article 7 The inspection work leading group shall set up an office as its daily office。
  The office of the Central Inspection Leading Group is located in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection。
  The office of the leading group for inspection work of the Party Committee of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government is the working department of the Party Committee and is set up in the Party's Commission for Discipline Inspection at the same level。
  Article 8 The duties of the Office of the inspection work Leading Group are:
  (1) To report the work of the inspection work leading group, communicate and implement the decision-making and deployment of the inspection work leading group;
  (2) to coordinate, coordinate and guide the work of the inspection team;
  (3) to undertake policy research and system building;
  (4) To supervise and handle the matters decided by the Party organization and the inspection work leading group that dispatched the inspection team;
  (5) Cooperate with relevant departments in training, assessment, supervision and management of inspection staff;
  (6) Handle other matters assigned by the inspection work leading group。
  Article 9 The Central Committee of the Party and the committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish inspection groups to undertake inspection tasks。The inspection team is responsible for and reports its work to the inspection work leading group。
  Article 10 The inspection group shall have the leader, deputy leader, inspector and other posts。The inspection team shall implement the group leader responsibility system, and the deputy group leader shall assist the group leader in carrying out the work。
  The leader of the inspection team shall determine and authorize each inspection task。
  Article 11 Inspection staff shall meet the following conditions:
  (1) Be firm in their ideals and convictions, be loyal to the Party, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Central Committee in ideology, politics and action;
  (2) adhere to principles, have the courage to take responsibility, act in accordance with the law, be fair and upright, honest and clean;
  (3) To observe Party discipline and strictly guard Party secrets;
  (4) Familiar with party affairs and related policies and regulations, with strong ability to find problems, communication and coordination, and text synthesis;
  (5) Good health and able to meet the job requirements。
  12th selection of inspection staff should be strictly standard conditions, not suitable for inspection personnel, should be adjusted in a timely manner。
  Inspection staff shall exchange posts in rotation according to regulations。
  The inspection staff shall avoid their positions, regions and official duties。
  Chapter III Scope and content of inspection
  Article 13 The inspection objects and scope of the Central inspection team are:
  (1) The Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the leading bodies of the Standing committees of the National People's Congress, the government and the leading bodies of the CPPCC Party groups and their members; the main leaders of the leading parties of the high people's courts and people's procuratorates of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and the main leaders of the vice-provincial city party committees and the standing committees of the municipal People's Congress, the government and the leading parties of the CPPCC;
  (2) the leading group of the central ministries and commissions and its members, the leading group of the Party Group (Party committee) of the central State organs and ministries and people's organizations and its members;
  (3) leading bodies of the Party committees (party groups) of key state-owned backbone enterprises, financial enterprises and institutions under central administration and their members;
  (4) Leading groups of Party organizations and their members of other units required by the Central Committee to conduct inspections。
  Article 14 The object and scope of inspection of the inspection group of the Party Committee of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government are:
  (1) The municipal (prefecture, prefecture, banner) and county (city, district, banner) Party committees and the Standing Committees of the People's Congress, the government, the leading bodies of the CPPCC Party groups and their members, the main leaders of the municipal (prefecture, prefecture, banner) intermediate people's courts, the people's procuratorates and the county (city, district, banner) people's courts and the people's procuratorates;
  (2) the leading group of the working department of the Party Committee of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central government and its members; the leading group of the Party group (Party committee and Party working committee) of the government department and people's organization and its members;
  (3) leading bodies of Party committees (leading groups) of state-owned enterprises and institutions administered by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their members;
  (4) Leading groups of Party organizations and their members of other units that the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government require to be inspected。
  Article 15 Inspection teams shall enforce the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and other intra-party regulations on the objects of inspection,Observe party discipline,We will supervise the implementation of the Party's main responsibility and oversight responsibility,Efforts should be made to identify the weakness of the Party's leadership, the lack of party building, and the failure to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party,The Party's concept is indifferent, its organization is lax, and its discipline is lax,Loose and soft governance of the Party:
  (1) Violations of political discipline and political rules, words and deeds contrary to the Party's line, principles and policies, insubordination of orders and prohibitions, plenianism, forming parties for personal gain, forming gangs and cliques, and inadequate implementation of the responsibility system for ideological work;
  (2) violations of honesty and discipline, abuse of power for personal gain, corruption and bribery, corruption and depravity, etc.;
  (3) violations of organizational discipline, illegal employment, cronyism, serving officials, buying and selling officials, soliciting votes and buying elections, as well as arbitrary, weak and lax, serious disunity and other problems;
  (4) Violating the discipline of the masses, work and life, failing to implement the eight-point Regulations of the Central Committee, and engaging in formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance;
  (5) Other questions requested by the Party organization sending the inspection team。
  Article 16 The Party organization sending inspection teams may, according to the needs of its work, carry out flexible special inspections for the key people, key matters, key problems or inspection rectification in the localities, departments, enterprises and institutions under its jurisdiction。
  Chapter IV Working methods and powers
  Article 17 Inspection teams may carry out their work in the following ways:
  (1) Listen to the work reports of the inspected Party organizations and special reports of relevant departments;
  (2) Conducting individual talks with members of the leading group of the inspected Party organization and other cadres and the masses;
  (3) Accept letters, telephone calls, visits, etc. that reflect the problems of the inspected leading group of the Party organization and its members and the main person in charge of the leading group of the Party organization at the next level;
  (4) To conduct random checks to verify the reporting of leading cadres on personal matters;
  (5) to inquire about the situation of the relevant insider;
  (6) to access and copy relevant documents, archives, meeting minutes and other materials;
  (7) Holding symposiums;
  (8) To attend relevant meetings of the areas (units) being inspected as nonvoting delegates;
  (9) democratic assessment and questionnaire survey;
  (10) to go to the localities, units or departments under the inspected areas (units) in an appropriate manner to learn about the situation;
  (11) Conducting special inspections;
  (12) to request relevant units to provide assistance;
  (13) Other methods approved by the Party organization sending the inspection team。
  Article 18 Inspection groups rely on the inspected Party organizations to carry out their work, do not interfere with the normal work of the inspected areas (units), and do not perform the duties of discipline review。
  Article 19 The inspection team shall strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting, and promptly request instructions and reporting to the inspection leading group on important situations and major problems in the inspection work。
  Under special circumstances, the central inspection team may report directly to the leader of the central inspection leading group, and the inspection team of the Party committee of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may report directly to the secretary of the Party Committee of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government。
  Article 20 During inspection,Approved by the inspection work leading group,The inspection team can give clues to specific problems of suspected violations of discipline and law by cadres under the supervision of Party organizations,Transfer to the relevant discipline inspection organs or political and legal organs for handling;Problems that reflect strongly on the masses, clearly violate regulations, and can be solved in a timely manner,To make recommendations to the inspected party organizations。
  Chapter V Work procedures
  Article 21 Before carrying out inspections, inspection teams shall ask discipline inspection and supervision organs, political and legal organs and organizations, auditing, letters and visits and other departments and units at the same level to understand the relevant situation of the leading group of the inspected Party organization and its members。
  Article 22 After the inspection group enters the inspected area (unit), it shall inform the inspected Party organization of the inspection task, and carry out the inspection and understanding work in accordance with the prescribed working methods and authority。
  The inspection team can have an in-depth understanding of the important issues and clues that reflect the leading group of the inspected Party organization and its members。
  Article 23 After the inspection and understanding work is completed, the inspection team shall form a inspection report, truthfully report the important information and problems learned, and put forward suggestions for handling。
  Special reports shall be made on the universality, tendency and other major problems existing in the construction of Party conduct and clean government, analyze the causes and put forward suggestions。
  Article 24 The inspection work leading group shall promptly listen to the inspection group's inspection reports, study and put forward opinions on handling, and report to the Party organization sending the inspection group for decision。
  Article 25 The Party organization sending the inspection team shall promptly listen to the relevant reports of the inspection work leading group, study and decide on the application of the inspection results。
  Article 26 With the consent of the Party organization sending the inspection team, the inspection team shall promptly feedback the relevant inspection situation to the leading group of the inspected Party organization and its main person in charge, point out problems, and put forward rectification suggestions in a targeted manner。
  According to the requirements of the inspection work leading group, the inspection team will inform the relevant information of the inspection of the Party committee and the relevant government leaders and functional departments at the same level。
  Article 27 After receiving feedback from the inspection team, the inspected party organization shall seriously rectify and implement, and submit the rectification report and the implementation report of the main person in charge to the office of the inspection Leading group within 2 months。
  The main person in charge of the inspected party organization is the first person responsible for the implementation of the rectification work。
  Article 28 After the Party organization sending the inspection team has made a decision on classified disposal of the problems and clues found in the inspection, it shall be transferred in the following ways according to the administrative authority and division of responsibilities of the cadres:
  (1) Transfer clues of suspected violations of discipline and outstanding problems in the style of work of leading cadres to the relevant discipline inspection organs;
  (2) Transfer problems existing in the implementation of democratic centralism and the selection and appointment of cadres to relevant organizational departments;
  (3) Transfer other issues to relevant units。
  29th relevant discipline inspection organs, organizational departments after receiving the inspection of the transfer of problems or clues, should promptly study and put forward talking letters, initial verification, filing or organizational handling opinions, and within 3 months to handle the situation feedback to the office of the inspection work leading group。
  Article 30 The Party organization and its organizational department that send inspection teams shall take the inspection results as an important basis for the evaluation, selection and appointment of cadres。
  Article 31 The office of the inspection work leading group shall, together with the inspection team, take appropriate ways to understand and urge the rectification and implementation of the inspected areas (units) and report to the inspection work leading group。
  The inspection leading group may directly hear reports on the rectification of the inspected Party organizations。
  Article 32 The information on the stationing, feedback and rectification of inspections shall be disclosed in an appropriate manner and subject to the supervision of Party members, cadres and the masses。
  Chapter VI Discipline and responsibility
  Article 33 Party organizations and leading groups for inspection work dispatched by inspection teams shall strengthen their leadership over inspection work。If the inspection work of the leadership is ineffective and serious problems occur, the relevant responsible personnel shall be investigated for their responsibilities according to the relevant provisions。
  Article 34 Discipline inspection and supervision organs, auditing organs, political and legal organs and organizations, petition and other departments and other relevant units shall support and cooperate with the inspection work。Those who do not support and cooperate with the inspection work in violation of the regulations and cause serious consequences shall be investigated for the responsibility of the relevant responsible personnel according to the relevant regulations。
  Article 35 Inspection staff shall strictly abide by inspection discipline。Inspection staff in any of the following circumstances, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given criticism, education, organization or disciplinary sanctions;Where a crime is suspected, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law:
  (1) Failing to discover important problems that should have been discovered;
  (2) falsely reporting the inspection situation, concealing, distorting or fabricating facts;
  (3) disclosing the secrets of inspection work;
  (4) exceeding his authority in his work, resulting in adverse consequences;
  (5) using the convenience of inspection work to seek personal gains or seek improper benefits for others;
  (6) committing other acts that violate the discipline of inspection work。
  Article 36 The leading group of the inspected Party organization and its members shall consciously accept inspection supervision and actively cooperate with the inspection group in carrying out its work。
  Party members have the obligation to truthfully report the situation to the inspection team。
  Article 37 Where the inspected area (unit) and its staff have any of the following circumstances, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the principal person in charge of the leading group of the area (unit) or other relevant responsible personnel shall be given criticism, education, organization or disciplinary sanctions;Where a crime is suspected, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law:
  (1) concealing information or intentionally providing false information to the inspection team;
  (2) refusing or failing to provide relevant documents and materials to the inspection team as required;
  (3) instigating or forcing relevant units or personnel to interfere with or obstruct inspection work, or falsely accusing or framing others;
  (4) refusing to correct existing problems or failing to rectify them as required without justifiable reasons;
  (5) attacking, retaliating against, or framing cadres and the masses who reflect the problems;
  (6) Other circumstances that interfere with inspection work。
  Article 38 Where the cadres and the masses of the inspected areas (units) find that the inspection staff have the behaviors listed in Article 35 of these Regulations, they may report to the inspection work leading group or the office of the inspection work leading group, or they may directly report to the relevant departments and organizations in accordance with the provisions。
  Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
  Article 39 The Party committees of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with these Regulations and in light of their respective actual conditions, formulate measures for implementation。
  Article 40 Provisions on the system of inspection by Party organizations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission with reference to these Regulations。
  Article 41 These Regulations shall be interpreted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Central Committee。
  Article 42 These Regulations shall come into force as of August 3, 2015。The Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inspection Work (for Trial Implementation) issued by the CPC Central Committee on July 2, 2009 shall be repealed simultaneously。
From: Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and State Supervisory Commission website

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