Culture of clean government

Refreshing breeze Zhengqi Fang Zhimin

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    Chen Ganqun

    Martyr Fang Zhimin (1899-1935) was a great proletarian revolutionary, strategist, outstanding leader of the peasant movement, the founder of the revolutionary base of Fujian and Zhejiang (Anhui) and the Tenth Red Army Regiment during the Agrarian Revolutionary War。He fought bravely all his life for the cause of national liberation, people's happiness and communism。毛泽东同志称赞他是“以身殉志,不亦伟乎”的人民英雄,叶剑英同志把他喻为古代民族英雄文天祥之后的又一位民族英雄。
    Poor feelings blocked favoritism to help relatives
     After the establishment of the Xinjiang 8 County Soviet in Northeast Jiangxi, someone said to his mother: "Zhenghu (Fang Zhimin's name) as chairman!"The governor's hall, what a big official!There are difficulties in the house, is not to visit, lace (silver dollars) always have yo, why not to ask for some?The old man thought: "His pay should be used as a nurse.。So, for the first and only time, she asked Fang Zhimin for her pay。
    "Zhenghu, when you are the chairman, it is a very big official, and how many soldiers have a month?"Mother asked.。
Fang Zhimin does not know the difficulties at home?Just for his tuition, from primary school to college, with interest, his parents owed 700 yuan!After Fang Zhimin participated in the revolution, his home was burned and looted by the enemy more than ten times。Mother was forced to ask him for money。But revolutionary money can't be used。Therefore, Fang Zhimin said to his mother with guilt and sincerity, "Mom, I am the chairman, but when I am the chairman of the poor, where is the official??And your pay will be paid in the future, but not now。The revolution had only just begun when the Xinjiang Soviet was established, and our daily bread was only seven cents!"
    The simple, kind and reasonable old mother heard this and said: "I know, I know.。Mother this trip did not come in vain, understand that son is the chairman of the poor, I am bitter and comfortable!"
    Fang Zhimin's suffering aunts had also begged him for salt and mother-of-pearl。He said, "If I have anything on me, my aunt will search for it.。The aunts did search, but when they turned over their pockets, they found nothing。Fang Zhimin explained: "I have a lot of lace, hundreds of thousands of millions of them。But they are all revolutionary lace, and not a single coin can be touched。If I used revolutionary lace to buy salt for my aunts, I could be president of this poor man?”
    Fang Zhimin's wife, Miao Min, has been arrested。His wife brother Miao Zhendong ran around, opened the joint of the county government, ready to give 400 yuan ocean guarantee。But when he asked his brother-in-law for money, he shook his head and said, "How can you give so much money to those corrupt officials??Huang Dao and other comrades said: "Miao Min is in prison for the revolution, and this 400 yuan ocean should be out!"Fang Zhimin still insisted that "our money is hard won, we should save as much as possible, 400 yuan ocean to stay, can do a lot of things, or think of other ways.。Fortunately, in the joint efforts of friends, managed to rescue his wife Miu-min out of prison。
    This is being the chairman of the Soviet of eight counties, who did not give a penny to his mother and aunt, nor did he give money to rescue his wife。He spent all the money and goods raised for the revolution on the revolutionary cause。He made a clear distinction between public and private, between revolution and kinship. What a noble character!

  The poor style of work has always preserved the nature of public servants
    In the cold winter months, Fang Zhimin wore a thin broken cotton-padded jacket from Yiyang to attend the Guixi Soviet Congress。Chairman Fang shivered in the cold at the meeting hall, so that the delegates in the new cotton-padded jacket felt sorry for him and asked him to change into a new one。But he did not agree, and went to mend the torn cotton-padded jacket at night。The representative sent the new cotton-padded jacket, and he repeatedly told the bearer the truth of "saving and reducing the burden of the masses", and insisted on refusing to accept it。One side of the guard really can not see past, said: "When a Soviet chairman, wearing a drafty broken cotton-padded jacket, people have seen but, what is the big deal??”
    Fang Zhimin said earnestly: "Soviet workers, in order to fight the war, should set an example, save money and food, and endure hard work.。"When you are president of the Soviet, you have to care more about everything。If I am not careful, it is not my business alone!"
    The guard asked, "What is there to notice?You were afraid to go up an inch and down an inch, but you didn't go down an inch!If you lose your padded jacket to save someone, shouldn't you replace it?”
    Fang Zhimin explained: "Should be yes, but not change better.。”
    The guard fumed, "What's wrong?”
   Fang Zhimin enlighten: "You yourself to contemplate!"
    The guard stopped talking, and went to contemplate this principle。However, the reason was clear, but the tears flowed out: Chairman Fang, you only care about the revolution and do not care about yourself!
    Once, Fang Zhimin found that he was eating white rice porridge and everyone was eating rice bran and wild vegetables cooked porridge, he called the guard to tell the kitchen: "What do you eat, what do I eat, can't be special?。”
    The old administrator heard the guard's message and called out: "What's special??Special is fine!Chairman Fang worries and is tired, tuberculosis and hemorrhoids often attack, which want to give advice for this matter 'democracy', I will bear!"Fang Zhimin thanked the old comrade, but still put the porridge back, and eat with everyone。
    Fang Zhimin wrote in "Poverty" : "I have been engaged in revolutionary struggle for more than ten years。In this long struggle, I have always lived a simple life, and have never been extravagant。"Poverty, white and simple life, is precisely where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties!"This is the true portrayal of Fang Zhimin's struggle against poverty and his motto。What does a public servant look like?Fang Zhimin is a shining example, and this example is one of the main factors for the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the revolutionary team led by our Party。

   Poor ethics preserved the revolutionary integrity
    Before the central Red Army main force implemented the Long March, Fang Zhimin was ordered to lead the Red Army northward anti-Japanese advance team to march into western Zhejiang and southern Anhui。Due to the wrong command of the "left" adventurism of Wang Ming, who controlled the leadership of the Central Committee and the Red Army at that time, the advance party was in solitary combat, outnumbered and lost the battle in southern Anhui。On the way back to the Soviet area in northeast Jiangxi for rest, he was again surrounded by the enemy。Fang Zhimin gave up the hope of life to his comrades, and left himself to fight hard in the snow of Huaiyu Mountain for more than 10 days, and was unfortunately captured on January 29, 1935。In order to celebrate the "victory" of the capture of Fang Zhimin and shock the revolutionary masses, the enemy planned three "public demonstrations" of the "Celebration of the capture of Fang Zhimin" in Shangrao, Yiyang and Nanchang successively.。"What is a display?"For Fang Zhimin, every "public display" is an opportunity to publicize the Communist Party, the Soviets, the Red Army, and the proletarian revolutionaries。In Shangrao and Yiyang two "public display" scene, Fang Zhimin's prison remains recorded: he was nailed on heavy shackles, could not walk a step, was backed to the entrance of the platform to stand, let the public watch。He stood tall, eyes wide open under the stands。"I ask myself if I am an innocent revolutionary who has never done anything immoral in my life, why I am ashamed and cannot see anyone.。"The audience saw that I was not defeated by the tiger," and was very surprised, and then the crowd was excited, and the Kuomintang reactionaries panicked and had to hastily end。
    The "public display" in Yuzhang Park in Nanchang,Fang Zhimin the same foot nail heavy shackles were put on the armored car,He stood tall,Machine guns were set up around the venue,Tight security,An American reporter on the scene reported with admiration,"The intensity of his attitude,Make the audience admire.",It forced the officers of Chiang Kai-shek's staff to scramble,The "celebration" ended hastily。
    Fang Zhimin in prison, a group of politicians, friends, husbands and classmates as lobbyists, some with the way of life, some with high official wealth, and some with the love of husband and wife, every day noisy, persuasion constantly。Chiang Kai-shek once said that if Fang Zhimin published a statement in the newspaper to break away from the Communist Party, he would give the Kuomintang the post of chairman of Jiangxi Province。
In the face of torture and death, high officials and rich money, Fang Zhimin smiled proudly at the enemy: "I do not love the title!"I don't love money!""The head can be broken, the faith can not be moved, and the integrity can not be lost!""The man-eating Kuomintang...I will destroy you, not you?He doggedly led the prison struggle, educating and uniting one revolutionary sympathizer after another。Over six months in a cell where death could come at any moment,He used the paper and pen that the enemy wanted him to write his "confession.,Write quickly,He wrote more than 10 manuscripts of nearly 150,000 words, including Fang Zhimin's Self-Statement, A Brief Description of My Revolutionary Struggle, Lovely China, Poverty, A Letter to All Comrades in Prison, and Words Before We Die。He turned the last moment of his life into the words of love and blood and dedicated it to the Party and the people, thus composing a song of "wealth can not be obscene, poor and cheap can not be moved, and mighty and powerful can not be defeated" of the Communists。

   The virtue of poverty stems from firm faith
    Fang Zhimin joined the Party from 1924 to 1935, more than ten years, successively served as the party's county Party secretary, special committee secretary, provincial Party secretary, military region commander, political commissar of the tenth Red Army, chairman of the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provincial Soviet (once concurrently Minister of finance), and chairman of the military and political Committee of the Advance team of the Red Army to the North against Japan。It can be said that "on the horse to govern the army, off the horse to govern the people", the power is great!However, he lived in poverty all his life。When he was unfortunately captured, two enemy soldiers tried to find the ocean and gold bars from the Communist official, but "from the upper body to the lower body, from the collar of the jacket to the bottom of the socks, except for a time watch and a fountain pen, not a single copper plate was found."。Fang Zhimin's family property?"Just a few old coats and trousers and a few pairs of thread stockings with the sole sewn on。”
    Doesn't Fang Zhimin have any money?Not personally, but he "handled money, totaling millions of dollars."。In 1933, when transporting the old Tenth Red Army and rebuilding the New Tenth Red Army, with his approval, he sent two boxes of red gold to the Central Soviet Area at a time, each box 500 taels;48 cases of silver, 400 yuan each。
Fang Zhimin's willingness to be poor and noble and righteous is derived from his firm belief in communism and the proletarian world view。We can clearly see that the words left behind by Fang Zhimin in prison shine everywhere with lofty communist ideals and boundless loyalty to the party's cause, and deep feelings for the motherland and the people。
    Fang Zhimin wrote: "My general opinion on politics, that is, the opinion advocated by the Communist Party。I have decided that the Soviets can save China, that the revolution will win the final victory, and I am ready to sacrifice everything for the Soviets and the revolution。He wrote in "The Poor" : "Reserve and meticulous, self-sacrifice for the public, but every Communist virtues.。In Death! - An Account of the Martyrs of Communism, he said: "For the liberation of the class and the nation.,For the success of the party's cause,I don't miss that gorgeous mansion,But would rather live in poor, damp huts;Do not want delicious western food dishes,But would rather swallow and chew corn and roots of thorns;Do not want comfortable and soft wire bed,Would rather sleep in a pigsty and doghouse;Don't want to be idle,I would rather toil sixteen hours a day;Don't want to be rich,Would rather be poor!...I can give up everything,But we cannot abandon the party,Abandonment of class,Abandon the revolutionary cause。He looked forward to in "Lovely China" : "The motherland is full of active creation, everywhere is rapid progress...To stand before men without shame."。
    Fang Zhimin is an outstanding example of the integrity and self-discipline of Chinese Communists。Fang Zhimin's spirit of poverty is the crystallization of the fine tradition of the Chinese nation's hard work and struggle combined with the great spirit of the Chinese revolution, and is a revolutionary heirloom。Fang Zhimin's righteous spirit inspired generations of Chinese Communists and the Chinese people to make unremitting efforts for the cause of the Party and the people。



From: Communist Party of China News

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