Provincial regulations

Notice of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Henan Province on the issuance of the Implementation Plan for the Annual Work of institutionalized Rule of Law Construction of "Strong Foundation to Transform Style Tree Image to Create People's Satisfaction with Urban Management"

Release time: 2019-03-18 09:34:09 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

 Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural DevelopmentOn the issuance of theStrong foundation Change tack Tree imageCreate people satisfied with urban managementInstitutionalized rule of law construction yearNotice of Work Implementation Plan


Yu Jiandu201956


Cities under provincial jurisdiction, provincial directly administered county (city) city administration Bureau, Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental Zone City Administration Bureau:

现将《Strong foundation Change tack Tree image Create people satisfied with urban managementThe Implementation Plan for the Construction of the Year of Institutionalization and Rule of Law is issued to you, please earnestly implement it。





Strong foundation Change tack Tree image Create people satisfied with urban management

Implementation plan for the annual work of institutionalized and law-based construction


2019年是Strong foundation Change tack Tree image Create people satisfied with urban managementThree years of action, the province's urban management law enforcement departments at all levels to summarize the results,Establish rules and regulations, consolidate the basic foundation,秉承绣花Kung Fu, inheritance匠心精神Strive to promote the high-quality development of urban management in the province, step by step, and realize the city to make life better。

First, the general idea

以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,牢固树立Administering the city for the peopleWorking philosophy: adhere to the high quality of Party building to lead the high-quality development of urban management;Pay attention to the construction of urban management laws and regulations, improve team management and standardize law enforcement standards system;Strictly implement the system of public disclosure of administrative law enforcement, recording of the whole process of law enforcement, and legal review of major law enforcement decisions;practicePeople's urban management, law-based urban management, smart urban management, civilized urban managementThe core concept, focusing on the prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses to carry out a series of special rectification, comprehensively improve the level of administration according to law, so that the people's sense of gain is significantly enhanced, and their satisfaction with urban management law enforcement is significantly improved。

2. Work objectives

Take Party building as the guide and practiceThree examples, one role model,Promote the high-quality development of law enforcement teams with high-quality party building,Comprehensively improve the organization and combat effectiveness of urban management law enforcement teams;We will deepen reform of the urban law enforcement system,Straighten out institutional mechanisms,The ability of social coordination and co-governance has been significantly enhanced;A sound framework system of legal standards has been basically formed,The work process of urban management law enforcement has been further optimized,Stronger law enforcement safeguards,The ability of law-based governance has significantly improved;Realize leapfrog development of information construction,The intelligence level of on-site law enforcement, off-site law enforcement, rapid disposal and team management has been significantly improved;citywise四治As the focus, strengthen special law enforcement and rectification in key areas, and strive to eliminate all kinds ofUrban diseasePrevent and reduce violations of urban management from the source, and the level of urban management has been significantly improved。

Iii. Main tasks

1. Comprehensively strengthen political building of the Party

1. Strengthen the guidance of Party building and promote quality improvement。Comprehensively strengthen the Party's organizational construction of urban management law enforcement teams, equip high-quality political cadres, solidly carry out the quality improvement project of branch construction, and strictly implement itThree lessons, one lessonSystem, implementation党建+Law enforcement, Party building+服务The Party organization is built in the squadron, built on the road, built in the community, and strives to create a series of characteristic urban management party building brands such as Party member demonstration posts and mobile red flag posts, and strives to practiceThree examples, one role modelTo promote the high-quality development of urban management law enforcement teams with the high quality of Party construction。

2. Highlight striving for excellence and promoting improvement。Five to oneActivities (than party spirit, than learning, than responsibility, than style, than performance, striving to be the pioneer of Central Plains) as the carrier, organize and carry out urban management law enforcement systemDo not forget the original heart, strive to be a pioneer in the Central PlainsTheme essay activities to inspire party members and cadres with ideals and beliefs铸魂Follow a typical example励志To honesty and self-discipline修身To study hard and practice益智。With the resident as the unit, combined with major festivals and major activities, adhere to holding a ceremony of leading the national flag and singing the national anthem once a week, and further enhance the collective consciousness, honor consciousness and dedication consciousness。

2. Deepening reform of the urban law enforcement system

1. We will rationalize the law enforcement system for urban management。In accordance with the overall deployment of the comprehensive law enforcement system reform of the central and provincial Party committees, the integration of urban management law enforcement teams and the transfer of functions are accelerated, the focus of law enforcement is steadily moved down, the strength of the team is sinking, and various security systems are improved。Comprehensively sort out, standardize and streamline urban management law enforcement matters,Clarify the boundaries and levels of enforcement,Management departments will be responsible for governance at the source,Strict enforcement of administrative penalties, administrative mandatory duties,We will strengthen cooperation in law enforcement,Establish a case assessment and information feedback mechanism,We will actively and orderly promote reform of the urban management and law enforcement system。

2. We will improve the mechanism of urban management law enforcement。We will give full play to the role of urban management committees and joint urban management committees in organizing, coordinating, supervising, inspecting, and assessing rewards and punishments, improve the coordination mechanism for urban management and law enforcement at the city and county (district) levels, and strengthen the assessment of urban management effectiveness.We will improve social satisfaction evaluation and third-party evaluation mechanisms, and regularly publish assessment results and rankings。

3. Establish a mechanism for social coordination and co-governance。We will explore ways to accelerate the pilot construction of a credit system in urban managementFormulate a list of incentives and punishments for urban management, and punish serious acts of dishonesty that refuse to fulfill legal obligations, seriously undermine the normal order of society (market), and seriously harm the health and life safety of citizens;In accordance with the law and regulations, multi-department joint punishment will be implemented, and efforts will be made to create a trustworthy social environment and promote the modernization of the urban governance system and governance capacity。总结Promote urban management and law enforcementFive rooms and one courtJudicial safeguard experience。

(3) Pay attention to the construction of urban management legal system

1. We will improve the legal norms of urban management law enforcement。Cities under the jurisdiction of the provincial government with legislative power should speed up the formulation and promulgation of local laws and regulations on urban management and law enforcement。Actively promote lawyers' participation in urban management law enforcement work, regularly carry out combing and analysis of urban management law enforcement case clues and administrative reconsideration litigation in which lawyers in the team participate, summarize trend changes, track and judge target risks, and timely revise existing laws and regulations and regulationsCaving suitMental inappropriateness of normative documents, and published to the public。

2. Establish a standard system for urban management law enforcement。The provincial government has studied and formulated the provincial urban management law enforcement team management and standardized law enforcement standard framework system, formulated standards in the standardized construction of the team, the use of signs and logos, the discretionary benchmark of administrative penalties, and the comprehensive urban management law enforcement cooperation mechanism, and accelerated the research on equipment support and law enforcement vehicle equipment standards。The city and county levels studied and formulated standardized construction standards for urban management law enforcement squadrons and below, focused on hierarchical guidance and assessment, improved law enforcement procedures, standardized case-handling processes, and implementedThree systems“721”Work law, so that the team dress neatly, standardized language, civilized behavior, according to the law to exercise administrative inspection, administrative punishment and administrative coercive power。

3. 强化Three systems落实。We will fully implement the system of public disclosure of administrative law enforcement, the system of recording the whole process of law enforcement, and the system of legal review of major law enforcement decisions,The whole process of law enforcement behavior information is recorded, the whole process of law enforcement can be managed retrospectively, and the legal review of major law enforcement decisions is fully covered,We will ensure that law enforcement information is open and transparent, that the entire process of law enforcement remains marked, and that law enforcement decisions are legal and effective,The overall capacity and level of administrative law enforcement have been greatly improved,The social satisfaction of administrative law enforcement has increased significantly。

(4) Accelerating the construction of smart urban management

1. Actively expand the functions of the digital urban management platform。Build a comprehensive law enforcement platform at the city, district and street levels,A law enforcement information system featuring operation informatization, document data, process trace, clear responsibility, strict supervision and quantifiable analysis should be established,Online entry of law enforcement information, online circulation of law enforcement procedures, online supervision of law enforcement activities, real-time push of law enforcement decisions, unified publicity of law enforcement information,Through the establishment of law enforcement subject object data, classified case data, laws and regulations data and other database construction,Effectively integrate law enforcement resources,实现Digital urban managementSmart urban management跨越。

2. We will promote the development of a coordinated and interconnected information platform。Relying on the urban management information platform, promote the system docking and data interoperability between urban management law enforcement departments, industry management, and public security traffic management departments to achieveInformation sharing, case transfer, listing supervision, completion feedback。深化城管+Big dataAccurate management mode, relying on information gatherers,Urban woodpeckerAnd other channels to achieve full coverage of urban management from vertical to vertical, from horizontal to edge, and from region to region。

3. 秉承Embroidery, ingenuity精神。Key points of ZhengzhouTo build a first-class national central city as the goal, vigorously implement the fine management of urban management law enforcement, relying on information construction, promote individual soldiers4GLaw enforcement recorder,4GThe use of high-tech equipment such as real-time video images on vehicles has comprehensively improved the modernization level of urban management law enforcement personnel and law enforcement vehicles。Other cities should continue to improve the modernization of information construction and law enforcement。

5. Innovating law enforcement and management models

1. Comprehensively implement grid management。Scientific division of urban built-up area grid units,For different regional characteristics,Formulate standards for the management of law enforcement services on a classified basis,Appropriately equipped with law enforcement forces,Strengthen tracking attendance and quantitative assessment of tasks,Achieve full grid coverage, zero gaps in work, zero distance in service, and full response to demands,Highlight sensitive periods and areas such as holidays and large gatherings,Implement differentiated and refined management。

2. 推进Double random, one publicBuild up toDouble random, one publicAs the basic means, supplemented by key supervision, and based on credit supervision, the law enforcement and supervision mechanism shall be strengthened during and after the event。Established jointly with the competent authoritiesOne single, two libraries(The list of random inspection items, the list of inspection objects and the list of law enforcement inspectors), reasonably determine the proportion and frequency of random inspection, not only to ensure the necessary coverage of random inspection and supervision, but also to prevent excessive inspection and law enforcement nuisance。

3. Continue to carry out service-oriented administrative law enforcement。Adhere to the equal emphasis on management and service, the combination of disposal and dredging, and vigorously implement“721”The work law pays attention to the role of administrative guidance, instructs the counterpart of administrative management to operate according to law, act according to law, consciously fulfill legal obligations, and take the initiative to correct illegal behaviors。

4. We will build a comprehensive law enforcement system for prevention and control。In combination with the quality and safety of construction projects, the prevention and control of dust on construction sites, the management of real estate chaos, and the renovation of old residential areas, we actively promote the construction of a comprehensive prevention and control law enforcement system, and explore the deployment of professional law enforcement teams or law enforcement personnel入库,实现Once in the door, multiple thingsAdministrative supervision and administrative law enforcement are unified to improve the efficiency of government management。

6. Strengthening the construction of law enforcement personnel

1. Strict management of law enforcement teams。Implement the information disclosure system for urban management law enforcement personnel, and complete the standardized clothing change and law enforcement vehicle identification spraying work by the end of the year。Strengthen the construction of urban management law enforcement and supervision teams, strengthen internal supervision, strictly enforce discipline and accountability, and resolutely avoidInaction, slow action, disorderly action, selective actionphenomenogenesis。Resolutely investigate and punish non-urban management law enforcement personnel wearing urban management clothing and wearing urban management signs and spraying at willUrban management law enforcementVehicle enforcement behavior。

2. Strengthen the education and training of law enforcement teams。Relying on colleges and universities and teams, formulate annual training plans, increase the training of law enforcement backbones and front-line law enforcement forces at different levels, and implement full coverage of training。Through legal knowledge competition, excellent case review, on-site emergency drills, military training and other forms, the urban management law enforcement team has been systematically improved in accordance with the law administrative ability, comprehensive analysis ability, communication and coordination ability, breakthrough and innovation ability。Develop the wechat public account of urban management law enforcement, improve the catalogue of online learning and training courses, carry out interactive comments on law enforcement hotspots and difficulties, and enhance the applicability and timeliness of training。

7. Carrying out special law enforcement in key areas

1. Promote urban ecological and environmental governance执法。Cooperate with housing and construction departments to strengthen the control of dust on construction sites and strictly implement itSix hundred percentStandard, the implementation of construction site standardization and differentiation management, strengthen online monitoring and网格Monitor and strictly crack down on illegal activities such as construction that is not in accordance with standards and norms, muck coverage and brutal construction。

2. Promote urban appearance and environmental sanitation执法。Continue to carry out urban cleaning operations, focusing on solving the prominent problems affecting the city's appearance and environment, such as garbage dumping, street vendors disorderly, advertising disorderly, scaffolding disorderly, construction disorderly, electrical wiring disorderly, oil smoke disorderly, plaque hanging disorderly, dogs running。

3. Promote urban road traffic order执法。Cooperate with public security and transportation departments to continue to carry out special actions to rectify key traffic violations, focus on parking lot management, occupied non-motorized lanes, and construction garbage trucks, establish a joint investigation and management mechanism of departments, strengthen joint law enforcement, and create an orderly, smooth, safe, green, and civilized urban road traffic environment。

4. We will promote urban public services执法。Cooperate with the real estate department to accelerate the centralized disposal of problem real estate, effectively resolve prominent problems in the real estate field, and effectively protect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people。Urban management law enforcement activities into the community,Strengthen liaison with street, community, property and owner committees,Carry out law enforcement publicity and inspection visits,Urge property service enterprises to implement dissuasion, stop, report and other systems,Strictly investigate and punish illegal construction in the community, occupy green and destroy green, illegal raising of dogs and other behaviors,We will foster a pattern of social governance featuring joint contribution, joint governance and shared benefits。

5. Promote market governance in construction执法。坚持Full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, and effective resultsCooperate with the housing and construction departments to strengthen the management of the qualification of the construction market affiliation and lending, purify the order of the construction market, and ensure the quality and safety of construction projects。

8. Improving service management

1. Carry out services for the convenience of the people。开展Chengguan six(into the community, into the school, into the enterprise, into the construction site, into the park, into the square) activities, publicity laws and regulations, to provide services to the masses。Built on blocks and squares党建+Convenience service+Comprehensive law enforcementUrban management post (urban management Party and mass service station), providing convenience, protection, help to the people and other convenient services。Organize and carry out regular urban management volunteer services, form an incentive and support mechanism, and pay attention to the cultivation and practice of urban spiritSeek collusion, co-construction, co-management, co-evaluation and sharingco-create理念。开展Chengguan Open DayDuring the event, NPC deputies, CPPCC members, and mass representatives were invited to observe on-site law enforcement activities and promote urban management to urban governance。

2. 开展The most beautiful ChengguanSelection activity。Further carry forward the spirit of urban management law enforcement personnel in the new era and the style of The Times, and launch the first urban management law enforcement system in the provinceThe most beautiful ChengguanSelection activity。Through the activities, let the urban management personnel say that the city management, further stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of cadres and workers, establish advanced models, shape the collective sense of honor and mission, enhance cohesion and combat effectiveness, and fully display the new image of the urban management personnel。

4. Job requirements

1. Strengthen organizational leadership。Urban management and law enforcement departments at all levels should stand on the overall level,Further improve againstTriennial operationThe understanding of,Strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen responsibility,Around the annual mission,Make overall arrangements and arrangements, carefully organize and implement, and pay close attention to the implementation of work。To grasp the level and grasp the implementation at all levels, the provincial department will timely announce the progress of the work in various places on the department portal website to ensure that the special actions are implemented。

2. Strengthen publicity。Urban management law enforcement departments at all levels should make full use of newspapers, television, radio, Internet and other media to widely publicize the work trends of the industryGood people and good things, correctly guide public opinion, and actively spread positive energy。To passChengguan micro filmChengguan story征文、Urban management knowledgeA series of activities, such as awarded answers, tell the story of urban management, and make a good voice of urban management。It is necessary to strengthen response to negative public opinion, improve the news spokesman system, strengthen communication and cooperation with the news media, and respond to social concerns in a timely manner。

3. Increasing safeguards。Strong foundation Change tack Tree image Create people satisfied with urban managementThe three-year action has been incorporated into the important assessment index system of the province's spiritual civilization construction and civilized city selection.Urban management law enforcement departments at all levels should take the initiative to report to local party committees and governmentsThe implementation of the situation, actively strive for financial and other departments to carry out activities, learning and training, publicity and education, equipment support。All localities should carry out a series of distinctive activities according to local realities to promote the construction and management of the province's urban management law enforcement team to a new level。


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