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Discussion on the development path of new quality productivity in the field of public resource trading

Release time: 2024-08-28 15:41:23 Number of page views: Written by: LAN Wenyi Qu Leyi Liu Yuqi

 摘要:The proposal of the innovative concept of new quality productivity not only deeply reveals the new trend and new requirements of China's economic and social development in the new era, but also provides new ideas and directions for the reform and innovation in the field of public resources trading。Taking Shenzhen as an example, this paper analyzes its internal logic and development opportunities, and discusses the development path of new quality productivity in the field of public resources trading。The article pointed out that through institutional innovation, scientific and technological empowerment, platform construction and talent cultivation, the new quality productivity can promote the transformation and efficient development of digital intelligence in the field of public resource trading, promote fairness and justice, stimulate market vitality, and provide strong support for the all-round development of economy and society。


As an important part of China's market economy system, the efficiency and quality of public resource trading is directly related to the overall situation of national economic and social development。Under the background of the new era, the rise of new quality productivity has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the field of public resource trading。New quality productivity, as a kind of productivity form with technology innovation, system innovation and mode innovation as the core, is profoundly changing the pattern of public resource trading。It not only promoted the upgrading of trading means, but also promoted the diversification of market players, and injected new vitality into the healthy development of the public resources trading market。However, how to play a role in the field of public resource trading, optimize the market mechanism, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and promote the diversification of market entities has become an important topic that needs to be discussed in the field of public resource trading at present。This paper takes Shenzhen innovation practice as an example,This paper aims to deeply analyze the internal logic of the development of new quality productivity in the field of public resource trading,Explore its development path,In order to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the sustainable and healthy development of China's public resource trading market,So as to promote our economy and society to achieve higher quality and more efficient development。

First, the theoretical connotation of new quality productivity

(1) Stages of development of the productive forces

Productivity is the cornerstone of human social progress and one of the core clues in the historical process of human society。According to Marx's discussion of the development stage of productive forces, the development stage of productive forces can take the core part of the means of production, namely the tools of production, as the main basis for dividing the stages of productive forces, and the emergence and application of different tools of production represent different stages of development of productive forces。In the early days of human society,The development of the original productive forces depends mainly on natural resources,Social productivity is extremely low,Natural productive forces dominate;The second stage of the development of productive forces depends mainly on the labor force,Human society transitioned from slave society to capitalist workshop handicraft industry,People began to increase productivity through the combination of labor and skills,The mode of production has gradually changed from simple farming to handicraft industry.The formation of capitalist machine industry until the Second World War is the third stage of the development of productive forces,Capital is the core element in this stage,The popularization of machines and the improvement of automation have greatly improved production efficiency,Revolutionary changes have taken place in the mode of production,The labor force has changed from human to machine;But now,The development of productivity has evolved into a stage of information and intelligent productivity that mainly relies on science and technology,Science and technology are the primary productive forces,The development of science and technology has further accelerated the development of economy and society。New technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing are reshaping production methods, and intelligence and automation have become a new trend in productivity development, and productivity in this stage will pay more attention to innovation, efficiency and sustainable development。

(2) The constituent elements of the new quality productivity

“新质生产力”是习近平总书记对我国所处阶段、现有社会矛盾和社会发展动力经过科学研究和判断后得出的重要理论指导思想,对我国现代化发展模式、发展进程具有重要的现实指导意义。"New quality productivity" includes three elements, one is labor, labor assumes the main role in the new quality productivity, talent as the most active element, use knowledge and skills to deploy resources, play the role of subjective initiative。In the aspect of scientific and technological innovation, the quality and quantity of talents are also continuously affecting the improvement of productivity level.The second is the object of labor, which is the basic element of productive forces and the object of subject function。With the development of science and technology, the scope of the object of labor continues to expand, the types are gradually rich, creating a new production space;The third is the means of labor, the means of labor generally refers to tools and systems, acting on the object of labor。Labor data can reflect the degree of human use of natural resources, and the improvement of labor data, such as transforming traditional machinery into artificial intelligence automation machinery, can promote the improvement of labor skills, thereby improving production efficiency and quality。

(3) The characteristics of The Times of the new quality productivity

“新质生产力”一词最早是习近平总书记在2023年9月新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上提出的。At the national "Two Sessions" in 2024, the term "new quality productivity" was written into the "Government Work Report" for the first time, causing wide concern from all walks of life。The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee adopted the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization", which put forward: "Improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions.。We will promote revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. We will optimize the mix and upgrade of workers, labor means, and labor objects, foster new industries, new models, and new drivers of growth, and develop productive forces characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality。”

China is undergoing a transformation from inefficient extensive development mode to fine and high-quality development. As the driving force of economic development in the new era, new quality productivity is clearly reflected in institutional innovation, scientific and technological development, industrial innovation, talent cultivation and other aspects。First, institutional innovation is the guarantee of a new quality of productive forces. We should build an open, inclusive and effective policy environment by reforming institutions and mechanisms that do not adapt to the development of productive forces。This not only stimulates the vitality of the market, but also provides a solid institutional support for enterprise innovation;Second, the new quality productivity emphasizes the development of science and technology, which is the engine of the new quality productivity, and promotes the upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation of emerging industries through scientific and technological innovation。Breakthroughs in new energy, new materials, biotechnology and other fields have provided a steady stream of impetus for the development of new quality productivity。As the core technology of new quality productivity, artificial intelligence is gradually penetrating into various fields such as production, management, and service to realize the intelligent upgrade of productivity。Big data provides data support for new quality productivity. Through the mining and analysis of massive data, accurate prediction of market demand and efficient allocation of resources are realized。New quality productivity era,Artificial intelligence makes decisions intelligent,Big data drives resource allocation optimization,Jointly promote production automation and personalized service upgrading;third,Industrial innovation is the practical carrier of new quality productivity,Through the optimization of the industrial chain and the improvement of the value chain,We will promote the development of a more rational and efficient industrial structure。Industrial integration, service and green have become the three major trends of industrial innovation.Number four,The new quality productivity emphasizes the cultivation of talents,Talent is the source of innovation,Develop new quality productive forces,An atmosphere that encourages innovation must be created,Gather high-level innovative talents,Strengthen the independent training of talents,At the same time, do a good job in the combination of production, learning and research,Form a deep integration of talent chain with industrial chain and innovation chain。

The characteristics of the new quality productivity era are reflected in the guarantee of institutional innovation, the leadership of scientific and technological development, the penetration of artificial intelligence, the foundation of big data, the integration of industrial innovation and the guidance of talent cultivation, and jointly promote the society to enter a new stage of efficient, intelligent and sustainable development。

Second, the internal logic of accelerating the formation of new quality productivity in the field of public resource trading

As an important part of our market economy system, trading of public resources is concerned with national interests, social fairness and people's livelihood. The construction, reform and development of trading center of public resources has been over 20 years。In recent years, the Chinese government attaches great importance to the reform in the field of public resource trading, and strives to improve the efficiency of resource allocation through innovation。The opening of Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) in 2020 marks an important step in the market-oriented reform of public resources trading in China,Shenzhen Trading Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) is the first unified public resources trading platform covering two levels of urban areas in China and operating in a market-oriented manner,Set a new benchmark for the industry,Successfully created the "Shenzhen Model" of public resource trading reform。Shenzhen has taken measures such as deepening institutional innovation, promoting scientific and technological development, accelerating platform upgrading, and strengthening personnel training,Constantly explore the innovation of public resources trading mode and the improvement of trading efficiency,It has provided strong support for all-round economic and social development,New quality productivity as a new form of productivity,There is an internal logic of development in the field of public resource trading。

(1) Institutional innovation Builds the cornerstone of public resource trading reform

As a catalyst for new quality productivity, the innovation and improvement of the system is of great significance to promote the marketization, standardization and transparency of public resource transactions, help build a fair and open market environment, stimulate market vitality and social creativity。当前,In the reform of public resources trading in Shenzhen,As a carrier of market allocation of public resources in Shenzhen,Shenzhen Trading Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) participated in the research and development of the city's classified and unified government procurement, engineering construction project bidding, transaction rules, systems, processes and technical standards of collective enterprise factor trading,To provide public resource trading guidance for various market entities,Realize the "five unification" of similar business transaction rules, trading platform, trading process, service standards, and data exchange standards,Make "Shenzhen experience" to "Shenzhen standard" forward。Under the constraints of common standards, it can also avoid problems such as fragmentation and regional decentralized management that increase the difficulty of supervision, and contribute to the realization of internal unified supervision。

Shenzhen Trading Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) led the preparation of Shenzhen local standard "Sunshine Procurement Technical Specifications" (DB4403/T331-2023),The "Code" is the first local standard applicable to all types of purchasers to carry out projects that are not legally required to tender,Absorb and learn from the practical achievements of government procurement, state-owned enterprise and private enterprise procurement,Summarize and refine the sunshine procurement standards applicable to all kinds of enterprises,Provide professional and technical guidance for purchasers to carry out purchasing activities,Guide the purchaser to strengthen the main responsibility,Strengthen procurement chain control,Optimize procurement safeguards,Prevent risks in key procurement links,Reduce purchasing costs,To achieve systematic, standardized and sunny procurement activities,So as to meet the development needs of diversified procurement of purchasers,It is of great significance for all kinds of enterprises in the city to improve procurement quality and efficiency and prevent risks of integrity and compliance。

(2) Enabling technology to promote the intelligent transformation of public resource transactions

With the development of big data, cloud computing and other technologies, the application of data has become increasingly extensive。Taking data trading as an example, Shenzhen Data Exchange, the holding company of Shenzhen Trading Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center), will complete data transactions in 2023.8.3 billion yuan, an increase of 374%, the cumulative transaction amount reached 64.88亿元。Completing cross-border transactions 1.01亿元。It ranks first in data trading venues in the same industry in terms of data trading scale, and has the courage to make innovative breakthroughs in data cross-border transactions。The transaction and application of data is particularly key in the process of intelligent transformation of the industry. Through the effective use of data, Shenzhen has built a unified user center of public resources and built a relevant subject information database, gradually realizing the one-click operation of users and information exchange, effectively shortening the registration process and improving the efficiency of work。

In order to implement the spirit of documents such as the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Deepening the Guidance on the Integration and Sharing of Public Resource Trading Platforms and the Work Plan for the Reform of Public Resource Trading in Shenzhen,Further activate data effectively,We will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of factor distribution markets and stimulate and release market vitality and social creativity,Realize the transformation of digital intelligence,Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) is also implementing the "Hot Wheels" digital transformation program,It aims to build a national leading intelligent trading ecosystem platform。In the field of public resources, the plan for the first time introduced the "middle micro-service" architecture and public cloud multi-tenant model, and built a customer-centric "product + service + channel" trinity of operation service system。Build an integrated platform through the implementation path of the whole chain from strategy to operation,The platform integrates traditional bidding and trading businesses into value-added services such as finance,Cooperate with expert system, project service center, contract service center and site service system,To achieve the interconnection of data and the whole process of business,Committed to ecological win-win。In addition, the blessing of the intelligent supervision platform, risk assessment and early warning mechanism has been introduced, which enables potential risks to be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner, and effectively prevent and resolve transaction risks。Realize the whole business process supervision, automatic risk identification and early warning, accurate tracking of key risks, and full closed-loop risk management and control, effectively avoiding human factors intervention。Among them, the Sunshine procurement intelligent supervision platform has been promoted to the country twice by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries。

The continuous progress of science and technology will further promote the construction of digital intelligence system for public resource trading。With the application of new technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things, and edge computing, the transaction process will be more automated, data analysis will be more accurate, and decision support will be more intelligent。This will not only bring more efficient resource allocation in the field of public resource trading, but also provide more powerful support for the comprehensive development of the economy and society, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of a more just and efficient social management system。

(3) Innovation construction and regional integration of public resource trading platforms

The digital intelligence transformation in the field of public resource trading continues to deepen and become solid, and the platform construction will become the core strategy to promote the development of the industry。Platformization is not only the integration of technology, but also an important embodiment of market integration and business model innovation。By building a unified large market carrier, realizing regional market integration, and developing "platform +" business, dispersed resources can be effectively integrated, the efficiency and fairness of resource allocation can be improved, and the business environment can be continuously optimized。

The platform construction of Shenzhen Trading Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) was further accelerated,It not only includes traditional engineering construction, government procurement and property rights transactions,It has also expanded emerging trading platforms such as Marine resource trading, carbon trading, environmental rights and interests, data trading and green finance,From the original public resources trading business to market factor trading business involving sunshine procurement trading, online mall, data trading, capital financing and other 11 categories,The trading derivative service business includes seven categories, such as procurement consulting and procurement agency, whole-process engineering consulting, capital increase and share expansion and investment banking services。By breaking down industry barriers,Some resources that were originally difficult to achieve trading such as "litchi picking rights" and "mangrove carbon sink" and other targets,Access to the open market,This part of the transaction has also become an important part of the platform construction;In addition to new targets entering the platform,The platform also explores more value-added services for the upstream and downstream links of transactions on the basis of smooth business operation,Launched the "platform + finance" full chain financial service program, "platform + data" "deep Yitong" data service products, "platform + training" upgrade training institutions,To provide enterprises with more diversified and efficient services。In the process of continuous improvement of the platform, inter-regional cooperation has also achieved remarkable results。For example, relying on the construction of the capital financing platform of state-owned enterprises, Heilongjiang Province realized the first cooperation between Heilongjiang Province and Shenzhen City in the field of factor trading, which promoted the integration of regional markets and promoted the optimal allocation of resources。In addition, a total of 19 public resource trading platforms in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, Foshan and other provinces signed remote and remote bid evaluation cooperation agreements, innovative exploration of joint "cross-border" review by Hong Kong experts, to achieve the first cross-border interconnection of government procurement business review, and help the construction of a unified national market。

Platform construction and its derivative "platform +" business model are becoming a new trend in the field of public resources trading。By unifying large market carriers and realizing regional market integration, it can not only improve the efficiency and transparency of public resource transactions, but also provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development。With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous optimization of the market environment, platform construction and its "platform +" business model will play a more important role in the future。

(4) Talent cultivation to help the construction of public resources talent development system

With the gradual improvement of the construction of public resources trading platform, higher standards and requirements have been put forward for the cultivation of talents in the field of public resources trading。At the same time, as an inherent requirement and important focus for promoting high-quality development, new quality productivity cannot be separated from the support of corresponding talents, and talents, as the first resource, are the key driving factors for the development of new quality productivity。

Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Exchange Center) adheres to the people-oriented development concept, is inclusive and open, respects talents, unswervingly puts talent development in the first place, and actively promotes the construction of talent teams。By improving the employee growth system, expand the development space of employees, help employees realize personal value, share the results of enterprise development, and achieve the multi-win of enterprises, employees and society。The first is to adopt a combination of independent training and external introduction,By cultivating more first-class industry leading talents and technological innovation teams,Make greater efforts for the high-quality development of the national factor trading market;The second is to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary Shenzhen Exchange Research Institute in 2022,As the first comprehensive research institute of public resources trading industry in China,The Institute adheres to the basic principles of "professional improvement, innovation leadership, openness and sharing",Adhere to the development orientation of "the explorer of innovation and development, the practitioner of resource integration, and the training of trading talents",Around the "innovation consulting, industry research, talent training, evaluation and rating" four pillars of business,Promote the introduction of professional and technical personnel and the training of core R & D teams,A comprehensive effort has been made to build a training system in the field of public resource trading,Develop standard courses for enterprise compliance engineer, government procurement, state-owned enterprise sunshine procurement, etc,Continue to export factor trading research results to promote practical application,Form a talent cultivation ecosystem,It is committed to building an influential think tank for public resources and factor trading in China,To provide multi-party resource support and services for the high-quality development of factor trading market。

Third, the development path of new quality productivity in the field of public resource trading

(1) Improving systems and mechanisms to strengthen the basis for fairness and justice in public resource transactions

Institutional mechanism is the key to ensure the fairness and justice of public resource transactions,We will accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces in the trading of public resources,We should continue to explore the reform and innovation of market-oriented allocation systems and mechanisms for factor resources,Establish and improve trading rules and institutional systems,Ensure that every transaction is conducted in a fair, impartial and open environment。At the same time, strengthen the supervision, improve the supervision means, carry out comprehensive, no-dead monitoring and risk assessment of the trading process, and correct any violations in a timely manner。In addition, innovate the regulatory mechanism, establish a cross-departmental and cross-level collaborative regulatory mechanism, implement classified supervision, and formulate differentiated regulatory measures for different transaction types。Through the establishment of a credit evaluation system and a punishment mechanism for dishonesty, the honesty level of transaction subjects is improved, market order is maintained, and transaction security is guaranteed。

(2) Deepen innovation and drive the upgrading of public resource trading models

As the core engine of new quality productivity, technological innovation is crucial to the upgrading of public resource trading mode。First of all, promote the construction of intelligent trading platform, introduce artificial intelligence technology, realize the automation of transaction process, and simplify transaction links and reduce transaction costs through intelligent identification, automatic approval and other functions;Use big data technology to enhance the transparency of trading information。Establish data mining and analysis system to provide accurate and real-time transaction information for market players;Develop the mobile application of the public resource trading platform to realize convenient trading anytime and anywhere。Combine user needs, launch personalized services to improve user experience。其次,We should actively promote the in-depth application of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data and blockchain in the field of public resource trading,Bury key points in business processes,Collect data regularly,Use platform data precipitation,Accelerate the construction of big data analysis centers and data warehouses,And the establishment of public resources trading index,Using data mining and analysis techniques,Leverage data productivity and value,Through data application scenarios,Carry out data visualization display,Provide basis for policy formulation,Improve the efficiency of market supervision and decision-making。

(3) "Platform +" business integration and development to improve the breadth of public resource services

Cross-border integration is an important direction for the development of new quality productivity and an important way to broaden the application field of public resource trading。The next step should be to actively promote the deep integration of public resource trading with other fields, such as finance, logistics, Internet and e-commerce。Explore the introduction of more resources and elements such as environmental rights and intellectual property rights, enrich the variety of transactions and service content, and meet the needs of market diversification。Taking the reform of Shenzhen public resources trading as an example, Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Center) will further clarify the overall positioning of the "three characteristics in one" of public welfare, functionality and commerciality in the future, and continue to incubate new trading categories and improve the service efficiency of the platform。We will strive to reduce institutional transaction costs, improve the efficiency of factor allocation, and serve the development of a large, unified national market for the trading of public resources。此外,Learn advanced experience and practices in the field of international public procurement,Cutting-edge cooperation in sustainable development, green procurement and artificial intelligence,Take the lead in building regional coordination mechanisms,Make full use of the advantageous location factors of Shenzhen's reform and opening up bridgehead,In combination with Shenzhen's proximity to Hong Kong and Macao,Accelerate business integration with Qianhai Free Trade Zone,Contributing "Shenzhen strength" to public resources trading in the Greater Bay Area。Actively explore the international development path of public resource trading, participate in global resource allocation and competition, and enhance the international influence and competitiveness of China's public resource trading。

4. Strengthen personnel training to provide intellectual support for the development of new quality productive forces

In order to support the deep development of new quality productive forces in the field of public resource trading, it is necessary to strengthen the training of talents。First of all, we should build a multi-level and all-round talent cultivation system。Strengthen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions, form an innovation system that closely integrates industry, university and research, and ensure that technological innovation continues to provide a strong driving force for the upgrading of the public resources trading model。Secondly, in the case of the lack of technology popularization education, the ecological advantages of public resource trading platform enterprises are used to open up the upstream and downstream, strengthen the popularization of high-tech technical knowledge, and enable professionals to apply technology to business scenarios。Finally, in the field of public resource trading, in order to ensure the legal and standardized operation of trading activities, the construction of compliance talents is crucial。Through the formulation of targeted measures, such as carrying out special compliance training, setting up compliance posts, establishing incentive mechanisms, etc., to improve the legal awareness and compliance ability of practitioners, effectively prevent risks, and ensure transaction security。Strengthen personnel training in the above aspects, provide a solid intellectual guarantee for the development of new quality productivity, and ensure the power of innovation-driven and sustainable development in the field of public resource trading。

Iv. Conclusion

Driven by new quality productivity,The trading of public resources will usher in unprecedented development opportunities,Through deepening technological innovation, improving institutional mechanisms, promoting cross-border integration, strengthening talent training and optimizing the business environment and other aspects of continuous exploration and practice,The new quality productive forces will inject new vitality into the sustainable and healthy development of our public resource trading market,Help our country's economic and social development of high quality。On this basis, the government, enterprises and all sectors of society should work together to promote the extensive application of new quality productivity in the field of public resource trading, and realize the improvement of resource allocation efficiency。The trading mode of public resources will continue to upgrade, and the vitality of the market will continue to be released, contributing to the construction of a more just and efficient unified market。

This article appeared in issue 8 of the journal of Public Procurement

Authors: LAN Wenyi1, Qu Leyi2, Liu Yuqi3

Author's unit: 1, 3.Shenzhen Exchange Group Co., LTD. (Shenzhen Public Resources Exchange Center);2.Shenzhen Exchange Research Institute Co., LTD

All rights reserved:Kaifeng city public resources trading information networkHost: Kaifeng public resources trading information network
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Technical support:Zhengzhou Xinyuan Information Technology Co., LTD